Re: New copypool not in DRM

1999-11-09 11:22:04
Subject: Re: New copypool not in DRM
From: "Joshua S. Bassi" <jbassi AT GLORYWORKS DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 08:22:04 -0800

Issue a "q drmstat" to determine if the DRM was setup to hardcode
the copy storage pools in there - the default is to allow all copy
pools to be in DRM.

If you see specific names under the copy pools, then add your new
stg to the config with the "set drmcopystgpool pool_name" command.

Joshua S. Bassi
Senior Technical Consultant
Symatrix Technology, Inc.
jbassi AT gloryworks DOT com
(503) 702-3371

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