Re: Old Backup Data Staying Around

1999-10-18 14:26:49
Subject: Re: Old Backup Data Staying Around
From: Cheri Howard <Cheri_Howard AT AAL DOT ORG>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 13:26:49 -0500
Paul, the RETAIN ONLY VERSION parameter pertains to the final backup copy
on the ADSM database AFTER the file has been deleted from the client.  If
the file still resides on the client, the RETAIN ONLY VERSION parameter is
meaningless.  Hope this helps clarify why you're backups are still hanging

Cheri Howard
cheri_howard AT aal DOT org

|        |          "Paul D.     |
|        |          Brown"       |
|        |          <pdbrown@ASHL|
|        |          AND.COM>     |
|        |                       |
|        |          10/18/1999   |
|        |          12:34 PM     |
|        |          Please       |
|        |          respond to   |
|        |          "ADSM: Dist  |
|        |          Stor Manager"|
|        |                       |
  |                                                     |
  |       To:     ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU                  |
  |       cc:     (bcc: Cheri Howard/AAL)               |
  |       Subject:     Old Backup Data Staying Around   |

I have an issue with ADSM running on OS/390 with retention of
data of static files staying around forever.
My "RETAIN ONLY VERSION" is set for 30 days.  I thought that the static
would be re-backed up after 30 days even though it had
not been modified, but I see that my backup of static or unchanged files is
staying around well past the 30 days.
What am I missing here?

Thanks for any help!
PDBrown@Ashland .com
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