FW: Database shrinking

1996-01-03 10:18:01
Subject: FW: Database shrinking
From: Andrew Mark Raibeck <raibeck AT CONNIX DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 10:18:01 -0500
Michel Gaillard asks:

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Forwarded letter follows =
We are in the process of spliting our main ADSM server into
several ones to have smaller databases.

In fact we are encountering big problems in the database consistency
and the only "clean" way was to start again all the backup activity
from scratch.

We are reinstalling ADSM V1R1 Level 0.15 on VM in 5 ADSM servers per =
(we have 2 big sites).

An AUDITDB takes much too long to fit in one of our week-end period
and we split the servers in order to be able to do that kind of
special operation if needed (and recently we did need a lot).

So the problem is stated and we are hence faced with a problem
of shrinking the existing databases (need to reuse disk space ..)

We used the DELETE DBVOL command (at least this command sounds
like it should do something interesting for us) and we got the
following message on a test ADSM server...

adsm> delete dbvol b02
ANR2434E DELETE DBVOLUME: Insufficient space on other database volumes =
to delete
 volume 0B02.

Apparently this command is first looking at the physical size of the DB =
volume a
nd finds out
that there's not enough space on the remaining volume !!! That's true =
but the %U
til is
much smaller than 50 % !!

adsm> q db

Available     Assigned       Maximum       Maximum        Page         =
      Used     %Util      Max.
    Space     Capacity     Extension     Reduction        Size        =
     Pages               %Util
     (MB)         (MB)          (MB)          (MB)     (bytes)         =
---------     --------     ---------     ---------     -------     =
 ---------     -----     -----
 ---------     -----     -----
       96           96             0            88       4,096        =
     1,762       7.2       7.2
adsm> q dbvol f=3Dd

Volume Name        Copy     Volume Name        Copy     Volume Name      =
    Available   Allocated       Free
(Copy 1)           Status   (Copy 2)           Status   (Copy 3)         =
s       Space       Space      Space

         (MB)        (MB)       (MB)
----------------   ------   ----------------   ------   ---------------- =
  ---------   ---------   --------
0B01               Sync'd                      Undef-                    =
         48          48          0
                                                ined                     =
0B02               Sync'd                      Undef-                    =
         48          48          0
                                                ined                     =

Can someone explain the logic of the DELETE DBVOL command and eventually =
give me
 any trick to solve
my problem ?
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Forwarded letter ends =

Issue REDUCE DB before DELETE DBVOL. REDUCEDB needs to be done first in =
order to reduce the assigned database capacity. In this case, if you =
want to remove one of your 48 MB volumes, you need to reduce the =
assigned capacity by a minimum of 48 MB.

I think of much greater concern is why your database keeps running into =
consistency problems. Have you taken this up with IBM? Also, when you =
back up your database, do you use the consistent backup command, DUMP DB =
(as opposed to shutting down ADSM and running the batch database backup =
command)? This should help reduce the need to run audits after a =
restore. But again, the bigger issue is how your database keeps getting =
corrupted. I'd suggest doing further research on this before trying to =
live with the problem by shrinking its scope (creating smaller =
databases). After all, if the corruption problem doesn't go away, you =
may be multiplying the number of occurrences by 5.

Andy Raibeck
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