
Re: [nv-l] problem with realtime plotting of expressions with graph.exe

2004-06-23 13:16:49
Subject: Re: [nv-l] problem with realtime plotting of expressions with graph.exe
From: James Shanks <jshanks AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 13:05:06 -0400

Please open a problem with IBM Support.
I have no more expertise to offer in this area.

James Shanks
Level 3 Support  for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group

"Alaa Farrag" <alaahelmy1 AT hotmail DOT com>
Sent by: owner-nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com

06/23/2004 12:46 PM
Please respond to

<nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com>
Re: [nv-l] problem with realtime plotting of expressions with graph.exe

sorry I resend this problem because i received no reply. Any one can help?
Dear James
>> (1) If you query this same device for BandwidthUtilIn using the MIB Browser, does it respond with data?
actually I do not know how to use expressions with MIB Browser. I think that MIB browser accepts MIB objects only ( because it returns absolute values without any delta calculations)
this device responds to any MIB object query using MIB Browser
>>  (2) Have you already been collecting BandwidthUtilIn data with snmpCollect?
Yes, data collection for BandwidthUtilIn is working correctly
actually james I don't see any difference between graphing  a MIB object like ifInOctets and graphing an _expression_ like BandwidthUtilIn regarding the delta Calculations. the only difference in my view is that in the second case two MIB objects ( ifInOctets & ifSpeed ) will be queried in stead of one MIB object.
I read in this forum that some guys can plot expressions in real-time using xnmgraph on Linux environment so what I want to know is whether I can do this on windows platform  or not.
thanks for your time and help
Alaa Farrag
----- Original Message -----
From: Alaa Farrag
To: The nv-l mailing list
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:40 AM
Subject: [nv-l] problem with realtime plotting of expressions with graph.exe

Hi all
we are using netview 7.1.4 over windows 2000 server
when I apply the following command:
graph.exe   -mib
graph.exe window is opened and plots ifInOctets of instance 1 for node
when I put instead of mib OID an _expression_ like following command
graph.exe   -mib BandwidthUtilIn::1::::::
graph.exe window is opened for about 10 seconds then it is closed with out giving any error message or logging any thing in nv.log
when I use a wrong _expression_ name it gives an error "could not convert _expression_ or mib variable"
this means that graph resolves the BandwidthUtilIn correctly.
thanks for your help
Alaa Farrag