
[Veritas-bu] The NetBackup FAQ has been updated.

2001-01-15 04:48:36
Subject: [Veritas-bu] The NetBackup FAQ has been updated.
From: W. Curtis Preston curtis AT colltech DOT com
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 01:48:36 -0800
The NetBackup FAQ has been updated.  I've put a lot of new stuff in there, 
including a bunch of things about NDMP, NT, and a new section devoted to 
the Media Manager.  Enjoy, folks!

The HTML and text versions are both available at:


If you're interested in the differences between this and the last
version of the faq, here is a diff:
<           How do I get documentation and help with my NetBackup
<           installation?
 >           How do I get help with my NetBackup installation?
<           What are the different versions, how do I know which one I
<           have, and how do they behave?
 >           What are the different versions, and how do I know which one I
 >           have?
<           How is this product licensed, and how does that affect me?
 >           How is this product licensed?
<    [16]Media Manager
<           Questions regarding NetBackup's Media Manager
<   16. file://localhost/home2/curtis/backupcentral-www/netbackup-faq-14.html
<    Q: What about documentation?  What's available?
<    There's actually quite a bit:
<    On UNIX, there are actually three directories with manpages under
<    /usr/openv  (/usr/openv/man, /usr/openv/netbackup/man,
<    /usr/openv/volmgr/man).  If you set your MANPATH to include these
<    directories, there's quite a bit of help there.
<    On NT, there is the standard NT help, of course.
<    On all platforms, there are PDF versions of all the manuals
<    available.  These files are shipped with the software.  If you don't
<    have them, you should contact your sales rep.
<    Q: How can I tell which tapes will be needed for a particular restore?
<     1. If you are using the Java GUI, start the restore, and click
<        "Preview Media Required".
<     2. You can also perform the restore (either via the GUI or command
<        line), and have messages written to a log file.  The beginning of
<        the log will contain a list of tapes needed for the restore.
<    Q: How do I restore from NDMP tapes, especially without NetBackup?
<    From: Chris Graves <cmg AT bow.rsc.raytheon DOT com>
<    We have read backup tapes created on the NetApp using NDMP manually
<    using the following two methods:
<    1) Veritas via NDMP just uses the NetApp "dump" command to creat the
<    backups.  This format is compatible with ufsdump, thus the tape can be
<    read on a Solaris system using ufsrestore (though some information
<    maybe lost if using NT ACL's).
<    2) the following is cut and paste from my notes. empress is the Sun
<    where Veritas is installed and odin is the NetApp...
<    to restore files on odin without the aid of netbackup:
<    from empress, have a tape mounted:
<    tpreq -ev def100 -p odin-vol0-full /tmp/tp
<    now do look at /tmp/tp to find out what tape drive has the tape
<    cat /tmp/tp
<    odin /ndmp/nrst0a
<    from odin, we can manipulate the tape using mt:
<    mt -f nrst0a status
<    cd to the directory where you want files restored to
<    to list dumpfile contents:
<    restore tf nrst0a
<    to restore the files:
<    restore xf nrst0a ./dir/path
<    when finished, unload tape:
<    tpunmount /tmp/tp
<    Q: Can non-root or non-Administrator personnel administer NetBackup?
<    A: This is possible in a number of ways.
<    On UNIX:
<      Use the suggestions in the NetBackup Admin Guide labelled "Allowing
<      nonroot users to administer NetBackup."  They amount to using chmod
<      to change the permissions of the executables, and possible making a
<      special group for non-root administrators.
<    On NT:
<      Just use the NT Administrative Client:
<      From Bob Bakh <bbakh AT veritas DOT com>:
<      "It slices it dices and does all you ask for and more.  Just set up
<      the users pc as a server in the bp.conf, restart the daemons or on
<      NT sacrifice a lamb, or is that add their PC to the server list and
<      restart services. The Administrative client can be found on any
<      NetBackup Server CD, run the server install and select Server
<      install, you get 3 choices, Master, Media, and Admin Client."
<    Q: How do I recycle (or deassign) database backup tapes?
<    (From Geoffrey-Booher <gbooher AT officedepot DOT com>)
<    vmquery -deassignbyid media_id n 0
<    media_id is the tape media id
<    n  is the pool number assigned to NBDB pool.  You can determine the
<    pool number with:
<    vmquery -m media_id
<    This will deassign it unless it is frozen.  The vmquery command is in
<    \Veritas\Netbackup\Volmgr\bin
<    (or /user/openv/netbackup/volmgr/bin for UNIX)
<                               [4]Next Section
<    4. file://localhost/home2/curtis/backupcentral-www/netbackup-faq-14.html
<   =======================================================
<   netbackup-faq-14.html
<   =======================================================
<                    NetBackup FAQ - v0.20 - Media Manager
<    [1]Return to the FAQ's Table of Contents
<    Q: How do I determine which volumes are assigned to which volume
<    manager?
<    bpmedialist -l -o
<    Q: I have tapes whose physical expiration date is shorter than I'd
<    like.  How do I change that date?
<    The date to which we are referring is the date that you see in
<    vmquery, and is the date that the volume itself should be expired, and
<    no longer used.  This is not related to the expiration date of the
<    images on the tape.
<    vmchange -M master -h volhost -exp 0 -m mediaid
<    The command above will tell media manager that the tape should never
<    expire.
<    vmchange -M master -h volhost -exp mm/dd/yy -m mediaid
<    This will set it to expire on a specific date.
<    Q: How do I tell the Media Manager that I have a cleaning tape?
<    From: "Dennis Dwyer" <dfdwyer AT tecoenergy DOT com>
<    When you enter a Cleaning Tape into a library via NetBackup you have
<    to tell it how many cleanings the tape is good for. A new tape is good
<    for 20 cleanings and when that number is exhausted, it will not be
<    mounted again.
<    One can make a home-brewed approach to finding out cleanings that are
<    left by lifting the cleaning data using this command (with DLTs):
<    vmquery -mt dlt_clean -b
<    Q: How often should I clean my drives?
<    This question comes up quite a bit, and there is no really good
<    answer.  The manuals for many modern drives (DLT, AIT, others) say to
<    clean the drives only when they say they need it (e.g. "when the light
<    comes on").  The way this is done in NetBackup is via the "TapeAlert"
<    feature.  You tell NetBackup that the cleaning frequency is 0, and it
<    will clean it only when the drive requests to be cleaned.
<    Unfortunately, there are many configurations under which the TapeAlert
<    feature does not work.  As you can see in the quote below, cleaning a
<    drive too often can actually cause more harm than good.  You will need
<    to find a frequency that works for you.  If TapeAlert doesn't work, I
<    would start by talking to your tape drive vendor.  Ask them (a) why it
<    doesn't work and what they're doing about it, and (b) how often you
<    should clean the drives in the meantime.
<    From: "Dave Pearson (EML)" <Dave.Pearson AT DOT se>
<    We also have an L11000 and haven't been able to get TapeAlert
<    (cleaning when a drive requests it) to work. Sun told us it is a known
<    problem and they have reported it to Veritas.
<    We used to clean our drives every 20 hours until we started getting
<    lots of media write errors. We had all the drives replaced and the
<    problems went away. The engineer said the drives are basically
<    self-cleaning and even if the light does come on it usually goes out
<    when the next tape is loaded. However, he suggested 120 hours as a
<    reasonal interval for scheduled cleaning. So we set it to that and, so
<    far, no cleaning lights and no more errors.
<                             [2]Previous Section
<                             [3]Table of Contents
< References
<    Visible links
<    1.
<    2. file://localhost/home2/curtis/backupcentral-www/netbackup-faq-13.html
<    3. file://localhost/home2/curtis/backupcentral-www/netbackup-faq.html
<    Hidden links:
<    4. file://localhost/home2/curtis/backupcentral-www/netbackup-faq-8.html
<    Q: I am thinking about upgrading to 3.4.  Must I upgrade my clients to
<    3.4 also?
<    It is normally supported to have your server at a higher version than
<    your clients.  In the case of 3.4, however there were some changes
<    made that give you two choices:
<    1. Upgrade all your 3.2 clients to the latest 3.2 jumbo patch before
<    upgrading your server to 3.4.
<    2. Upgrade all your 3.2 clients to 3.4.
<    In either case, you just need to load the software and the latest
<    patch, and issue the command update_clients (for UNIX clients).  For
<    NT Clients, you will need to upgrade them from an NT server with the
<    proper permissions.
<    Q: How do I exclude files and directories from regular backups?
 >    Q: How do I exclude files and directories from a backup?
<    Here are some comments about excluding files from Larry Kingery
<    <larry.kingery AT veritas DOT com>
<    /proc and cdrom filesystems are recognized as such on the more common
<    unix systems, and their contents are automatically excluded (see all
<    log entries).  If you do wish/have to specify them, you might want to
<    say something like "/proc/*" so that the /proc mount point exists in
<    case of full system restore (Solaris for one will get mad if it
<    doesn't).
<    Personally, I feel that excluding things like core files probably adds
<    more in the preprocessing than it's worth (that's one more strcmp on
<    every file).
<    I really hope that people will NOT exclude the nbu db during regular
<    backups.  (Note from Curtis: I agree.) Let's say that just before
<    leaving on Friday afternoon, you accidentally delete half your images
<    directory.  Come Monday morning, you realize what you did, but by this
<    time it's too late, both of your db tapes have been used, and now
<    you're scanning tapes. Of course, depending upon your needs and time
<    since last backup of the server, you may end up scanning anyway, but
<    at least you're closer (if you're lucky and the master wasn't one of
<    the clients you've just blown away).
<    Q: How do I exclude files and directories from NDMP backups?
<    From a NetApp engineer (via Rob Worman <rob AT colltech DOT com>):
<    The way to exclude files on NetApp when using NetBackup with NDMP is
<    to use an entry in the file list that sets the EXCLUDE NDMP
<    environmental variable.
<    For example, if you wanted to exclude a directory named /vol/vol1/A,
<    but wanted to dump the rest of the volume, your NetBackup class file
<    list would look like this:
<    /vol/vol1
<    To exclude multiple files or directories, you would use commas to
<    delimit the field:
<    /vol/vol1
<    The rules are stated as being the same as they are for native dump
<    commands.
<    The exclude list is specified relative to the dump path.  If a
<    directory name or file name contains a space, you probably need to
<    enclose the string in quotes:
<    SET EXCLUDE = 'file with space in name'
<    /vol/volx
<    Take a look at the ontap manuals for DUMP for more information.
<    such as core files, he cdrom partition, and the /tmp partition.
 >    such as core files, the cdrom partition, and the /tmp partition.
<    Q: How do I get Oracle / Sybase / Informix / NetApp / etc. to back up
<    over a private network?
<    From: Bob Bakh <bbakh AT veritas DOT com>
<    Use the REQUIRED_INTERFACE setting on the Oracle client to tell it
<    what NIC to use.
<    This seems to help.  It's in the NBU System Admin Guide under bp.conf
<    settings.
<    Q. What is the archive bit in NT, and how does it affect me?
<    In NT, the archive bit is a attribute of a file that identifies
<    whether or not it has been "backed up."  If a file is modified in any
<    way, the archive bit is cleared until the file is backed up again.
<    Unfortunately, a backup of almost any type will cause the archive bit
<    to be set.  That is, it will indicate that the file has been backed
<    up.  If you run an NT backup, a NetBackup backup of any kind, a tar or
<    cpio (if you have NT versions of those commands), or an xcopy, it will
<    set the archive bit.   This is why it is the opinion of the FAQ
<    maintainer that one should not use the archive bit to determine if a
<    file has been backed up.  If you agree, then you will want to change
<    the default behavior of NetBackup by setting the following registry
<    setting:
<    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config]
<    "Use_Archive_Bit"="NO"
<    Q: Is there an easy way to make registry changes on multiple NT
<    clients?
<    From: W. Curtis Preston
<    There's a way that I've been working on to do this with NetBackup, but
<    I've never actually done it.  Here are the steps:
<    1. Create a class that will backup some file that will be on every NT
<    client (e.g. C:\Winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts).  Let's call the
<    class "UPDATE."
<    2. Write a batch file that contains the command below, and call it
<    bpstart_notify.UPDATE.bat.
<        start /wait c:\winnt\regedit.exe c:\temp\update.reg
<        del c:\temp\update.reg
<    3. Create a file that contains the registry key you want to edit and
<    call it update.reg.  For example:
<    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config]
<        "Use_Archive_Bit"="NO"
<    4. Push the bpstart file out to each NT client. (There are at least
<    two ways in NBU to do this.)
<    5. Push the update.reg file out to each NT client, and put it in
<    C:\temp
<    6. Run the UPDATE class.
<    Here's another way, From: Scott Kendall
<    <Scott.Kendall AT DOT com>
<    For changes like this, I usually run a "for" loop against my NT
<    servers using the NT Resource Kit utility "reg.exe".  This utility
<    lets you remotely edit/add/delete Registry keys.
<    The command below from an NT box would add the value of the second
<    column for each server listed in the first column of each line in
<    fileA, assuming you
<    have the reskit and it is in your path (note: "add" does not replace
<    if it already exists.  If so , you must either "update" or "delete"
<    then "add").
<    fileA contents:
<    server1     server1
<    server2     somethingelse
<    server3     server3
<    command:
<    C:\>for /f "tokens=1-2" %i in (fileA) do reg add
<    HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion\Config\REQUIRED_INTERFA
<    CE=%j
<    REG_SZ \\%i
<    Q: How do you configure NetBackup to work with Network Appliances?
<    From: Chandra Kalle <ckalle AT ns.naren DOT com>
<    Lets say the hostname of your Network Appliance box is "toaster" and
<    the hostname of your Master Server is "dumpster"
<    Do the following:
<    1) Login to dumpster as root, and install the NDMP packages
<    (SUNWnbdmp). If you are not aware, you have to purchase the NDMP
<    option from Veritas for NetBackup. You get the NDMPD package,
<    documentation, and paper license at least with 3.2.
<    2) Set your NDMP authorization:
<    dumpster# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/set_ndmp_attr -auth toaster root
<    It will ask you for a Password, and enter toaster's password.
<    3) Put the following line in /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf:
<    4) Connect toaster to one of the drives in your Jukebox, and reboot it
<    so it can recognize the drive. Unfortunately, NetApps dont have
<    drvconfig or alike..
<    Check to make sure the drive is recognized after reboot:
<    toaster % sysconfig -t
<    This will show you the drive, and all device files you can use with
<    it. I normally use the norewind device nrst0a. (or b.. whatever comes
<    up in sysconfig's output)
<    5) On toaster, start the ndmpd daemon. ndmpd daemon comes with
<    DataONTAP so it should be there (atleast in recent versions). To start
<    ndmpd, do
<    toaster % ndmpd on
<    To see the usage of ndmpd, just enter ndmpd.
<    6) Come back to your master server (dumpster), and add the NDMP drive:
<    Pull up xdevadm, select DRIVES -> ADD DRIVE. This will pull up the ADD
<    DRIVE window. In that window, select/provide the following
<    information:
<    DRIVE TYPE: DLT (or what ever type your drive is)
<    DRIVE INDEX: 0 (or any number of your choice)
<    DRIVE NAME: toaster_jukeboxname_drive# (or what ever you like)
<    NO REWIND DEVICE: toaster:nrst0a
<    CLEANING FREQUENCY: 300 (or what ever you like)
<    ROBOT TYPE: TLD (or what ever type your Jukebox is)
<    ROBOT NUMBER: <your robot's number>
<    ROBOT DRIVE: <drive number of the drive thats connected to toaster>
<    At this point, you're ready to test NDMP backups. Use xbpadm to create
<    a class of type NDMP, and include toaster as client, and a sample
<    directory under file list. Create a schedule "manual_backup" dont put
<    any regular dates on it, and start a manual backup of that NDMP class
<    for toaster and see how it goes.
<    You do not have to install any software on toaster. All you need to do
<    is start ndmpd. You want to put that in its rc file so its started
<    every time its rebooted.
<    Q: Why do my tapes keep ejecting after every backup? Can I stop that?
<    This is the default behavior of NetBackup.  If you don't want your
<    tapes ejected every time NetBackup is through with a drive, then you
<    need to add the -nsu flag to ltid. This stands for "no standalone
<    unload."  Edit the startup script that you use to look this this:
<    ltid -nsu
<    Q: Is there a way that I can find out in advance what backups are
<    going to be scheduled?
<    From: "David A. Chapa" <david AT datastaff DOT com>
<    bpschedreq -predict mm/dd/yyyy
<    Q: I have tapes in the library, and yet NetBackup isn't using any of
<    them.  I'm getting error 96s.
<    From: "Dennis Dwyer" <dfdwyer AT tecoenergy DOT com>
<    The only thing I can think of off hand would be to look at your
<    retention periods. NetBackup will not mix retention periods on a tape
<    unless you force it (which I wouldn't recommend). If all the tapes
<    that have space don't match the retention period you're going after,
<    and there are no other tapes available in the storage unit, you might
<    get the "No Available Media" message.
<    Q: Is there a way to check the consistency of the database?
<    Yes.  Just run the command:
<        bpdbm -consistency
<    3.
 >    3.

W. Curtis Preston, Principal Consultant at Collective Technologies
Email: curtis AT colltech DOT com                (Best way to contact me)
Work : 408 452 5555                       (Leave a message.)
Pager: 800 946 4646, pin#1436065        (If urgent.)

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  • [Veritas-bu] The NetBackup FAQ has been updated., W . Curtis Preston curtis <=