
[Networker] Silent install of Networker (Windows)

2011-10-03 08:44:19
Subject: [Networker] Silent install of Networker (Windows)
From: Manel Rodero Blanquez <manel AT FIB.UPC DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 14:33:31 +0200

I'm trying to install Networker in an automated and silent way. After some trial and error I've got the following command line (for 7.6.2 x64 version):

setup.exe /s /v"/qb NOHBA=1 INSTALLLEVEL=100 INSTALLDIR=C:\legato\nsr /L*v """C:\logs\networker.log"""

I've added the NOHBA property because if not I got the following error message:

Error: install_hba_response: Unable to create 'C:\legato\HomeBaseAgent\', errno=2 doserrno=3

My first question now is how to specify the authorized backup server (i.e. the name of the server you usually add using the GUI install).

My second question is that I would like to know if is there any docs about which options are available for unatttend setup.



       Manel Rodero Blánquez
o o o  IT Systems Manager
o o o  Laboratori de Càlcul
o o o  Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona
U P C  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech

       E-mail : manel AT fib.upc DOT edu
       Tel.   : +34 93 401 0847
       Web    :


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