
[Networker] Support tips

2011-07-15 18:31:01
Subject: [Networker] Support tips
From: Eugene Vilensky <evilensky AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 22:29:06 +0000
Does anyone have any handy EMC NetWorker support support tips?  I have a case 
open since Wed., but this time it doesn't seem to be a (mis)configuration issue 
on my part, but some sort of genuine bug or missing functionality.   I don't 
have enough experience with their support structure to feel out properly where 
my case is, so I'm making a default assumption that it is not being actively 
worked on.  So far I've been asked to change one parameter (client retries) 
while submitting the savegroup log three separate times.

I suggested on opening the case that maybe I should put the server in debug 
mode because the savegroup report didn't have any useful information, but was 
told "if I need more information I will contact you.".  Hmm. 

Thanks all,
Sent via mobile.

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