
[Networker] recover space operation although staging policy is disabled

2009-06-30 08:59:13
Subject: [Networker] recover space operation although staging policy is disabled
From: "ingo AT visionet DOT de" <ingo AT VISIONET DOT DE>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 08:54:31 -0400
Dear list,

I am getting messages in daemon.log saying that certain save sets were
deleted on our advanced file type devices.

The messages look like that:
42506 30.06.09 12:33:07  nsrd media info: Deleted 61 MB from save set
373244729 on volume dsk_tgl.001

I suppose this is initiated by the "recover space operation" and as far as I
understand, this is triggered by a staging policy.

If this is true, I don't understand
1) that the staging policy for one of the adv. file type devices is not enabled,
2) the recover space interval does in no case correspond to the occurence of
the messages,
3) I am not missing any save set on that device (so far...)

Networker server is 7.4.2.Build.431
NMC is 7.4.3.Build.569
Host is Solaris10/Sparc

Can anyone shed a little light on what's happening here?

Thanks in advance

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