
Re: [Networker] Running sjimm on StorageTek L80?

2003-04-29 05:09:08
Subject: Re: [Networker] Running sjimm on StorageTek L80?
From: George Scott <George.Scott AT ITS.MONASH.EDU DOT AU>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 18:59:31 +1000

> For most purposes, I agree that nsrjb is probably the best command to
> use, but the one problem with nsrjb is that if NetWorker still thinks
> there's a tape in the drive, it will insist on wanting to unload it
> first before it will do anything else with the drive. There are times
> when NetWorker can get confused and still believe a volume is in the
> drive even though there isn't. I've seen this on occasion.

Sadly, this is so true...

You must be lucky if you only see it "on occasion".  I see it
frequently, particularly after hardware failures, though I'll have to
admit that NSR 6.1 is way better at recovering than NSR 5 was.

NetWorkers knowledge of what tape is where is stored in hidden
attributes in the NSR jukebox resource ("loaded bar codes", "loaded
slots", and "loaded volumes").

You can edit these to good effect with nwadmin or nsradmin, but you
must be careful.  There is one item in each list for each of the
devices you have configured and they are position dependant.  This
means that you *can not* delete entries from these lists; you can
"change" an item to be empty, but you must not "delete" them.

George Scott           George.Scott AT DOT edu
Systems Programmer, IT Services, Monash University

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