
Re: [Bacula-users] Use Bacula Sun Solaris 10 SPARC

2010-07-08 23:02:50
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Use Bacula Sun Solaris 10 SPARC
From: "Gary R. Schmidt" <grs AT DOT au>
To: "Koray AGAYA" <insanadair AT gmail DOT com>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 12:29:06 +1000
On Thu, July 8, 2010 20:59, Koray AGAYA wrote:
> Thanks for your help I have a Question. How to flow Bacula on Sun Solaris
> JAVA Desktop
Get the qt4.3 package from the Bacula depgks site, and build it.

Then, modify the configuration script in the 5.0.2 to look for qt where
you installed it, and then run configure.

Here's my script, for 3.0.3, but since 5.x is so badly broken
I've avoided it.

I use the SunStudio compiler, even though the gcc version has fewer
warnings, the performance increase is worth it.  (And I've also modified
things to build a 64-bit version, which flies.)

I also use the WebStack MySQL, and had to massage configure to recognise
it.  Someday I'll re-start the discussion about configure recognising .so
files, but I'll wait on them fixing 5.x.

export PATH

./configure \
  CC=cc CXX=CC \
  CFLAGS="-g -O" \
  LDFLAGS="-R/opt/webstack/mysql/lib/mysql -L/usr/sfw/lib -R/usr/sfw/lib" \
  --prefix=/opt/bacula \
  --datarootdir=/opt/bacula/share \
  --mandir=/opt/bacula/man \
  --with-archivedir=/opt/bacula/archive \
  --with-working-dir=/opt/bacula/working \
  --with-plugindir=/opt/bacula/plugins \
  --with-scriptdir=/opt/bacula/scripts \
  --with-subsys-dir=/opt/bacula/subsys \
  --with-mysql=/opt/webstack/mysql \
  --with-dir-password=password \
  --with-fd-password=password \
  --with-sd-password=password \
  --with-dir-user=bacula \
  --with-dir-group=backup \
  --with-sd-user=bacula \
  --with-sd-group=backup \
  --with-fd-user=root \
  --with-fd-group=backup \
  --enable-smartalloc \
  --enable-batch-insert \
  --with-dump-email=someone AT example DOT com \
  --with-job-email=someone AT example DOT com \
  --with-smtp-host=mail \
  --enable-bat \
  --with-qwt=$HOME/src/bacula/depkgs-qt \

exit 0

Then build "bat" and just add it to the menu.

                Gary    B-)

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