
Re: One DLE too many!

2006-03-14 13:47:30
Subject: Re: One DLE too many!
From: Vytas Janusauskas <vytas AT dendron DOT com>
To: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 13:44:50 -0500
Hi Paul,

Listed below is what I get when I try to define a DLE with the include statement. However last night I ran it with the include line commented out and it backed up the complete Deforest3 data set as expected . However as soon as I add < "include "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool" > to the disklist I get amcheck errors about Can't open disk and No include for ....

I searched the list and docs and cannot see what I am doing wrong.

Thanks again,


My test disklist entry is:
hal /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1 /mnt/data06/Deforest3 {
    include "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool"
    } 87

Dumptype is:
define dumptype comp-user-tar {
    program "GNUTAR"
    comment "partitions dumped with tar"
    options compress-fast, index
    comprate 0.75, 0.75
    priority high

amadmin output is:
    host hal:
        interface default
    disk /mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1:
        device /mnt/data06/Deforest3
        program "GNUTAR"
        include file "./AirPhoto_Load_Tool"
        priority 2
        dumpcycle 30
        maxdumps 8
        maxpromoteday 10000
        strategy STANDARD
        compress CLIENT FAST
        comprate 0.75 0.75
        auth BSD
        kencrypt NO
        holdingdisk YES
        record YES
        index YES
        skip-incr NO
        skip-full NO

Test directory listing is:
hal:/mnt/data06# du -h --max-depth=1 Deforest3
248K    Deforest3/AirPhoto_Load_Tool
2.7G    Deforest3/delivery
1.8G    Deforest3/NS_Oblique_Aerials
6.4G    Deforest3/Imagery
17M     Deforest3/Received
1.6M    Deforest3/Quality_Control
40G     Deforest3/Nova_Scotia_Photos
28G     Deforest3/NAPL
78G     Deforest3

amcheck output is:
vxa2:/etc/amanda/Den$ /usr/sbin/amcheck -c Den
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
ERROR: hal: [Can't open disk '/mnt/data06/Deforest3']
ERROR: hal: [No include for '/mnt/data06/Deforest3_PART1']
Client check: 5 hosts checked in 3.259 seconds, 2 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p3)

At 02:37 PM 3/10/06, Paul Bijnens wrote:
Vytas Janusauskas schreef:

snip ...

You can use "inline" dumptypes (with brace-newline-dumptypedefinition-newline-endbrace),
and explicitly make a the DLE-name different from the directory to
differentiate the different includes:  /data06/Deforest3_PART1 /data06/Deforest3 {
      include "./Air*"
      include append "./Nova?Scotia?Photos"
      }  1

Vytas Janusauskas
Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.
880 Lady Ellen Place,  Suite 206
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Z 5L9
Voice: (613) 725-2971
Fax: (613) 725-1716
<mailto:vytas AT dendron DOT com>

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