
Re: BSD Users: Barcode Readers w/ chio(1)/mtx(1) ?

2005-08-25 16:44:14
Subject: Re: BSD Users: Barcode Readers w/ chio(1)/mtx(1) ?
From: "Douglas K. Rand" <rand AT meridian-enviro DOT com>
To: Alexander Jolk <alexj AT buf DOT com>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 15:26:18 -0500
Doug> We ordered ours from ISSI for our AIT tapes.

Alexander> I would be surprised if you couldn't get GNU barcode to
Alexander> print labels for this changer.  I spent a few hours
Alexander> fine-tuning its parameters so I can print a whole (A4)
Alexander> sheet, and now all I have to do is find a sheet of adhesive
Alexander> A4 paper, print, cut myself a few times, and I get all the
Alexander> barcodes I want at negligible cost.

I'm sure it will. I'm just lazy.  :)  This way I don't have to cut out
the labels.  Now, where'd I put that couch for my nap?