
amrecover: 'Invalid directory' errors

2004-04-13 22:58:12
Subject: amrecover: 'Invalid directory' errors
From: "Bruce Fletcher" <bruce AT homeperformance DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 19:53:07 -0700

I've been using Amanda for a while now and have noticed no problems; I've
even had amrecover work for the few files I've looked for before now.  Now I
have an amrecover problem.  Here's an excerpt from my disklist:

cookie / / {
        exclude "./home" "./tmp/*" "./nfs/*" "./usr" "./var"

cookie /home /home {
        exclude "./bruce"

cookie /usr /usr {
        exclude "./local" "./ports" "./src"

cookie /var cookie-comp
cookie /home/bruce cookie-comp
cookie /usr/local cookie-comp
cookie /usr/ports cookie-comp
cookie /usr/src cookie-comp

And here are the relevant dumptype entries from amanda.conf:

define dumptype global {
    index yes
    program "GNUTAR"

define dumptype cookie-norm {
    comment "Regular data backup, no compression"

define dumptype cookie-comp {
    comment "Regular data backup, client compression"
    compress client fast

My understanding is that this is the correct way to use Amanda and tar to
subset filesystems; the local filesystems in my fstab look like so:

/dev/sd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/sd0d /tmp ffs rw 1 2
/dev/sd0e /var ffs rw 1 2
/dev/sd0f /usr ffs rw 1 2
/dev/sd0g /home ffs rw 1 2

The problem I'm having is that amrecover says /usr/local, /usr/ports and
/usr/src and /home/bruce don't exist in my backup index.  The symptoms are
identical, but just looking at /usr, I get the following behaviour from

# cd /usr/src
# ls
CVS      distrib  include  libexec  sbin     sys      usr.sbin
Makefile etc      lib      regress  share    usr.bin
# /usr/local/sbin/amrecover -C Daily -d /dev/nst0
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.4p1. Contacting server on philly ...
220 philly2 AMANDA index server (2.4.4p1) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2004-04-13)
200 Working date set to 2004-04-13.
200 Config set to Daily.
200 Dump host set to cookie.
Trying disk /usr ...
$CWD '/usr/src' is on disk '/usr' mounted at '/usr'.
200 Disk set to /usr.
Invalid directory - /usr/src
amrecover> ls
2004-04-13 .
2004-04-13 X11R6/
2004-04-13 bin/
2004-04-13 games/
2004-04-13 include/
2004-04-13 lib/
2004-04-13 libdata/
2004-04-13 libexec/
2004-04-13 lkm/
2004-04-13 mdec/
2004-04-13 obj/
2004-04-13 sbin/
2004-04-13 share/
2004-04-13 templates/
amrecover> cd src
Invalid directory - src

Why are /usr/src, /usr/ports and /usr/local all missing from the above
list? How am I supposed to find and recover things under these
subdirectories? I see no signs of trouble in my backup status messages:

                                   DUMPER STATS               TAPER STATS
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
cookie   /           0    23250    10912  46.9   0:13  833.1   0:02 4793.6
cookie   /home       0   277320   118691  42.8   2:27  809.3   0:13 9408.1
cookie   /home/bruce 0   976400   463992  47.5  11:09  693.7   1:41 4609.6
cookie   /usr        0   332050   126270  38.0   3:55  537.5   0:17 7392.9
cookie   /usr/local  0   229570    74798  32.6   2:28  506.8   0:08 9017.3
cookie   /usr/ports  0    82920    58549  70.6   4:15  229.4   0:07 8204.2
cookie   /usr/src    0   179230    46516  26.0   2:42  287.1   0:06 7469.7
cookie   /var        0    27250    15576  57.2   0:23  688.3   0:04 4398.6

I can also find a /var/amanda/Daily/index/cookie/_usr_src directory on the
backup server (philly) with files I would expect, such as 20040413.gz.  I
unpacked this in /tmp and found a comforting-looking index of the backed-up

Hrmm.  On reviewing the dump summary above, I see cookie / is being
compressed.  I guess I should have a 'compress none' in my cookie-norm
dumptype, but that isn't the issue right now.  Where are my subdirectories?

Thanks for any help,
- Bruce

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