
RE: Problems - mostly selfcheck timed out

2003-08-07 08:54:11
Subject: RE: Problems - mostly selfcheck timed out
From: "Josh Welch" <jwelch AT buffalowildwings DOT com>
To: "Craig White" <craigwhite AT azapple DOT com>, <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 07:51:26 -0500
Craig White said:
> I can run amlabel and that works.
> # ls -l /usr/sbin/amcheck
> -rwsr-sr-x    1 amanda   disk        26772 Jul 13  2001
> /usr/sbin/amcheck
> so I don't understand why I am getting the message about setuid-root

This is SUID, but its owned by amanda. This could be a result of a b0rk3n
RPM, I had no luck with Red Hat's builds, ended up building from source. You
can try chowning it to root and seeing if you can get it to work. Since
amcheck is not SUID root, its going to fail, hence your error.

> localhost md0 comp-root-tar
There are various arguments, some technical some religious, against using
localhost. It's probably best to use your hostname.

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