
"strange output"

2003-08-04 10:14:47
Subject: "strange output"
From: "Jeremy L. Mordkoff" <jlm AT TataraSystems DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 10:09:33 -0400

I have added a wrapper to /sbin/dump to lock and unlock my vobs. The output from my script (which I send to stderr) is flagged by Amanda as “strange output”, for example…




/-- lux2       sda5 lev 1 STRANGE

sendbackup: start [lux2:sda5 level 1]

sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump

sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore -f... -

sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz

sendbackup: info end

? SUDO: /vobs/admin

? SUDO: Locked versioned object base "/vobs/admin".

? SUDO: /vobs/client

? SUDO: Locked versioned object base "/vobs/client"


Is there a way to tell Amanda that these lines are expected? Even better would be to tell her that they are required, but I know that’s a bit much to ask, as it would have to be on a per filesystem basis.


I plan to update my script to look like this in an attempt to fool Amanda into thinking its legit output:


sudo -u ccadmin ~ccadmin/lockvobs 2>&1 | perl -n -e 'print "DUMP: $_";' >&2


so that every line will start with “DUMP: “


but this feels like a hack.


Any comments?




P.S. The worst thing about viruses is the amount of time and bandwidth people spend complaining about them. – JLM





Jeremy Mordkoff

Tatara Systems

978-206-0808 (direct)

978-206-0888 (fax)


injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere -- Dr. Martin Luther King


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