
Re: amanda inparallel not working on large filesystems

2003-07-25 10:14:53
Subject: Re: amanda inparallel not working on large filesystems
From: jason.walton AT DOT uk
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 15:08:48 +0100
I have left this alone for a month now hoping all the various suggestions I
received might help. Nothing did.
Over the previous month, I have moved the backup onto seperate network
cards, seperate networks, specifed spindles, increased the holding disc
space, reduced the holding disc space, increased max dumps etc, reduced max
dumps etc.
Nothing appears to work. From my observations, the gtar on the remote
machine is using "listed_incremental" even though I am specifying no
incrementals to be performed. I don;t know if this is important or not, but
if I run the command by hand it takes forever to run, if I omit the
list-incremental option on the command line. gtar flies through. Note that
this may be a totally seperate issue to the problem I am facing.
The backups still operate synchronously, they both start roughly the same
time, but then one waits for the other to finish before it wakes up and
continues it's backup (this can mean it lays dormant for about six hours).


Here is an updated amanda.conf and disklist and tapelist file:

fernandeno:/fernandeno# more /opt/etc/amanda/cc/amanda.conf
# amanda.conf - sample Amanda configuration file.  This started off life as
#               the actual config file in use at CS.UMD.EDU.
dumpuser "amanda"       # the user to run dumps under
printer "pcm2300f2"
inparallel 40
netusage  10000000 Kbps
dumpcycle 0
runspercycle 1
tapecycle 22 tapes
bumpsize 20 Mb
bumpdays 1
bumpmult 4
ctimeout 1800
etimeout 1800
dtimeout 24000
tapebufs 30
 run of amdump
runtapes 19
tpchanger "/opt/etc/amanda/cc/chg-zd-mtx"
changerfile "/opt/etc/amanda/cc/chg-zd-mtx"
changerdev "/dev/changer"       # HP LTO on this box
tapedev "/dev/rmt/0un"
tapetype LTO
labelstr "^cc[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*$"

holdingdisk hd1 {
    directory "/amanda/dump1"
    use 0
    chunksize 500Mb

holdingdisk hd2 {
    directory "/amanda/dump2"
    use 0
    chunksize 500Mb

holdingdisk hd3 {
    directory "/amanda/dump3"
    use 0
    chunksize 500Mb

holdingdisk hd4 {
    comment "JOW added secondary holding disk"
    directory "/amanda/dump4"
    use -500Mb
    chunksize 500Mb

maxdumps 5
reserve 0 # on advice of Jon La Badie 20030626

infofile "/opt/etc/amanda/cc/curinfo"   # database DIRECTORY
logdir   "/opt/etc/amanda/cc/log"               # log directory
indexdir "/opt/etc/amanda/cc/index"     # index directory

define tapetype LTO {
        comment "LTO tape drives"
        length 200000 mbytes
        lbl-templ "/opt/etc/amanda/"
        filemark 513 kbytes
        speed 20000 kps

define dumptype global {
            comment "Global definitions"
            index no
            record no
            compress none
            dumpcycle 0
            maxdumps 5
            skip-incr yes
            strategy noinc
define dumptype lo_no_tar_full {
            comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
            program "GNUTAR"
            priority low

define dumptype me_no_tar_full {
            comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
            program "GNUTAR"
            priority medium
            maxdumps 5
            skip-incr yes
            strategy noinc
            index no
            record no
            compress none
            dumpcycle 0

define dumptype hi_no_tar_full {
            comment "Full dump of this filesystem always"
            program "GNUTAR"
            priority high

define dumptype hi_no_tar {
    program "GNUTAR"
    comment "High priority with no compression"
    exclude list "/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar"
    priority high
    compress none

define interface lpfn0 {
   comment "fibre network"
   use 1000000 kbps
define interface iprb0 {
   comment "ethernet network"
   use 100000 kbps


fernandeno:/fernandeno# cat /opt/etc/amanda/cc/disklist
# File format is:
#       hostname diskdev dumptype [spindle [interface]]
# where the dumptypes are defined by you in amanda.conf or in-line.

#backup server
fernandeno /share/lotus me_no_tar_full 3
fernandeno /share/perforce/p4root me_no_tar_full 1
fernandeno //mosquito/C$ me_no_smb

#troubled server
nanticoke /share/lotus           me_no_tar_full 3 lpfn0
nanticoke /share/fileserver                       me_no_tar_full
nanticoke /share/homes           me_no_tar_full 2 iprb0

#all other servers
kickapoo /cortex   me_no_tar_full
kickapoo /ctxtools me_no_tar_full
kickapoo /ctxdata  me_no_tar_full
hupa    /opt            lo_no_tar_full
hupa    /ctxtools       me_no_tar_full
hupa    /ctxdata        me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex         me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex/runtime me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex/runtime/custdev/bphpbk me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex/runtime/custdev/slv25 me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex/runtime/proddev/perf me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex/build/proddev   me_no_tar_full
hupa    /cortex/build/custdev   me_no_tar_full
karok   /home           lo_no_tar_full
sioux   /ctxtools                       me_no_tar_full
sioux   /ctxdata                        me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/custdev         me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/custdev/jpsc25  me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/custdev/vds25   me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/custlive        me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/custlive/lsb    me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/proddev         me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/runtime/systest         me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/build/custdev           me_no_tar_full
sioux   /cortex/build/proddev           me_no_tar_full
stepney /ctxdata                me_no_tar_full
stepney /ctxdata/oracle01       me_no_tar_full
stepney /cortex/build           me_no_tar_full
stepney /cortex/runtime         me_no_tar_full
stepney /opt    lo_no_tar_full
robson /ctxdata         me_no_tar_full
robson /cortex/build            me_no_tar_full
robson /cortex/runtime          me_no_tar_full
robson /opt     lo_no_tar_full


I have a backup strategy that happily performs a full backup for 160Gb of
data every night, however, I noticed that on three large filesystems on a
client machine, the backups work sequentially. The tape device is an HP
Surestore 2/20 autoloader, capable of 200Gb per tape.

I am sure that it used to dump these backups in parallel, but now they are
definitely waiting. amstatus throughout the night shows all backups kicking
off within 1 hour of each other, yet each backup waiting until the
preceeding one completes, before commencing.
I have maxdumps set to 5 and inparallel set to 10 (also tried it at 30 and
63), yet these three systems only backup sequentially.
I ran amstatus every five minutes last night to confirm this, and it shows
on filesystem dumping while the other is listed as dumping, but sticks at
32K until the other one finishes.
anybody any clues on to why amanda should behave this way?
Each file system is about 30Gb in size and I have four holding discs:
50Gb, 36Gb, 30Gb, 5Gb each.

Also, it tries to fill up the 5Gb one before it even attempts the others.

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