Re: 3494 cleaning (2 nd. try)

2003-03-10 10:20:04
Subject: Re: 3494 cleaning (2 nd. try)
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 10:09:50 -0500
>I haven't received an answer yet, so I'll give it another try:

We've simply been ignoring you.  ;-)

>In the IBM Redbook "IBM Magstar Tape Products Family: A Practical Guide" I
>read the following line:
>For 3590 Magstar drives, use a value of 999 mounts to perform cleaning based
>on drive request rather than library initiated.
>So I changed the value to 999, but nothing happens. Both drives are still
>displaying *CLEAN. The library doesn't seem to pick up the drives cleaning
>request. How can I make the library clean the drives?
>Thanks in advance for any reply!!!

Well, the first thing I would check is whether you have cleaning tapes in your
library...that they have cycles left...that they have prefixes (like "CLN")
matching the spec defined in the library, etc.

 # Get number of tapes:
 /usr/bin/mtlib -l $LMCP -vqK -s fffd

 # Get available cleaner cycles number:
 /usr/bin/mtlib -l $LMCP -qL

No cleaning tapes = no cleaning.  Available cycles is something we have to watch
for, as it can deplete rather quietly.  (Exhausted cleaning tapes may
auto-eject, but operators may send them offsite.  ;-)

  Richard Sims, BU

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