2 volume ranges with distinct usage in 1 library

2002-09-12 19:20:05
Subject: 2 volume ranges with distinct usage in 1 library
From: Joel Fuhrman <joelf AT CAC.WASHINGTON DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 16:19:25 -0700
I have 2 sites each one contains an STK silo. Currently I write my offsite
storage tapes where the operators are located. The local copy is written at
the other site.  Each site has a unique tape number range which makes it
easy to track the offsite volumes. However because the operator's site has a
new backup generator, we now want to write the local copy at this site.

Is there a way to have one volume number range of scratch tapes be used for
the primary backup while using a second volume number range of scratch tapes
for the offsite copy pool all within one silo?

I know its possible to define 2 libraries which share the same ACSLSid. But
this solutiuon seems to require splitting the drives between the 2 libraries
and that is not an acceptable.  Or is there a way to define the same drive
in 2 libraries without creating a drive contention problem?

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