Error Message Help

2002-08-07 17:36:34
Subject: Error Message Help
From: "Gent, Chad E." <cgent AT LEGGMASON DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 17:32:00 -0400

I have a NT 4.0 client with TSM version 4.2.15.  I keep getting this error
message when the tries to run the schedule.  I checked out this error
message on the net but it was not much help.  Any help is appreciated.


08/05/2002 20:26:27 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NTSERVERS' failed.  Return
code = 4.
08/06/2002 20:16:40 ANS1030E System ran out of memory. Process ended.

08/06/2002 18:28:28 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN NTSERVERS 08/06/2002
08/06/2002 18:28:28 Incremental backup of volume '\\MDSRADBWEB\D$'
08/06/2002 18:28:28 Incremental backup of volume '\\MDSRADBWEB\S$'
08/06/2002 20:16:39 Successful incremental backup of '\\mdsradbweb\d$'

08/06/2002 20:16:40 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects inspected:        1
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects backed up:        0
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects updated:          0
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects rebound:          0
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects deleted:          0
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects expired:          0
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of objects failed:           0
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Total number of bytes transferred:        0  B
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Objects compressed by:                    0%
08/06/2002 20:16:40 Elapsed processing time:           01:48:11
08/06/2002 20:16:40 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
08/06/2002 20:16:40 ANS1030E System ran out of memory. Process ended.

08/06/2002 20:16:40 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END NTSERVERS 08/06/2002 18:00:00
08/06/2002 20:16:40 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NTSERVERS' failed.  Return
code = 4.
08/06/2002 20:16:41 Sending results for scheduled event 'NTSERVERS'.
08/06/2002 20:16:41 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'NTSERVERS'.
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