Re: TSM tapes out of Sync with Library manager

2001-07-23 15:33:52
Subject: Re: TSM tapes out of Sync with Library manager
From: "Cook, Dwight E" <cookde AT BP DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 14:33:34 -0500
IBM SCSI Tape Drive, Medium Changer, and Library Device Drivers has the
0190 is probably from your initial install of TSM
019A & 019C are your private & scratch categories (in HEX)
Now notice how IBM has a problem converting from decimal to hex !
Even though your numbers are just one apart within TSM, the library has them
two apart !

0000 null, not used
0001-FEFF general programming use
FFFF volser specific
FF00 insert
FF01-FF0F reserved
FF10 Eject
FF11 bulk eject
FF12-FFF8 reserved
FFF9 service volume
FFFA manual eject
FFFB purge volume
FFFD IBM 3590 cleaner volume
FFFE cleaner volume