Re: Solaris Solaris, Multi host

1999-10-24 20:17:32
Subject: Re: Solaris Solaris, Multi host
From: Joshua Bassi <jbassi AT GLORYWORKS DOT COM>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 17:17:32 -0700

If you are not referring to the ADSM server's interfaces, but instead
you are referring to an ADSM client with two interfaces and you want
all backup traffic to travel over one specific interface, then you
can use the "TCPCLIENTADDRESS address" option in the Sun client's
dsm.sys file.

Or of course you can also setup the correct route in your
organization's routing table.

Joshua S. Bassi
Storage Management Team Lead
Dickens Services Group
jbassi AT gloryworks DOT com
(404) 386-9848

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