
[nv-l] SNMP MIB variables for Configuration Poll

2004-04-20 09:21:02
Subject: [nv-l] SNMP MIB variables for Configuration Poll
From: <R.Veenstra AT Unive DOT nl>
To: <nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 15:02:59 +0200
Hi list members

Our company has a WAN to connect four main offices and over 150 regional
sales offices. Our WAN is managed by an independend Network Carrier. In
Netview we now have a WAN composed of over 150 isolated LANs since Netview
can't see any router. We are struggeling with our WAN provider to get at
least minimal access to their routers to be able to automatically build a
decent network overview in NetView. We are trying to get rid of manually
maintained IP maps with over 150 manually configured routers (and a netmon
deamon that keeps complaining that it can see lots of remote networks but
can't figure out why it can see them).

We are trying to define what part of the MIB we need to access to have
Netview recognize the routers as routers and discover our own networks
behind it. In the end this means that our carrier requires us to fully
specify an SNMP view ourselves ;-( 
The routers are all of the Cisco 2900 and 3600 series and connect LANs in
the network over MPLS. Our carrier does not allow us to find any
information over the MPLS cloud. 

So my question is: 
What is the best way of finding out what parts of the MIB are accessed
during a configuration and/or discovery poll?

With Kind regards

Rick Veenstra
ICT Specialist Midrange

        Univé Verzekeringen
        Beheer & Exploitatie
        team Infrastructuur Ontwikkeling en Beheer
        Bezoekadres:    Hanzeplein 1, Zwolle - kamer B515
        Postadres:      Postbus 607, 8000 AP  Zwolle
        Telefoon:               (038) 427 8943
        Email:          r DOT veenstra AT unive.nl


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