
RES: [nv-l] Nodes are Unknown

2003-10-17 08:15:58
Subject: RES: [nv-l] Nodes are Unknown
From: Marcos Antonio Pezzutti Filho <pezzutti AT banespa.com DOT br>
To: "'nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com'" <nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 09:07:04 -0300

I don´t think so.
Independently of IOS version, the router has the mib-2 standard, and it´s
with these attributes that Netview discovers the router.
I think that it´s possible you have some duplicate IP or a wrong name in
some configuration file.
Off course it´s recommended to have the mibs up to date, but this doesn´t
denny the discovery process.


Marcos Pezzutti 

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Pal, Laszlo [mailto:laszlo.pal AT eds DOT com] 
Enviada em: Friday, October 17, 2003 08:58
Para: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Assunto: RE: [nv-l] Nodes are Unknown

I did this but I still getting a lot of no such name errors during poll of
this equipment. One of the possible reason this is a Cisco router with 12.2
image and maybe NV is too old to handle snmp of this. Anyone monitoring
cisco router with 12.2 image? Should I upgrade my mibs?

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