
Re: RES: [nv-l] Inserting and deleting resources on Netview thru comm a nd line

2003-10-15 02:08:48
Subject: Re: RES: [nv-l] Inserting and deleting resources on Netview thru comm a nd line
From: "Oliver Bruchhaeuser" <oliver.bruchhaeuser AT de.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 07:59:56 +0200

the comand is explained in the Release Notes 7.1.2 and 7.1.3.
You can also get help with:
/usr/OV/bin/nvmaputil.sh --h

Kind regards

Oliver Bruchhaeuser
Tivoli NetView EMEA L2 Support

|         |           Marcos Antonio Pezzutti|
|         |           Filho                  |
|         |           <pezzutti AT banespa DOT com.b|
|         |           r>                     |
|         |           Sent by:               |
|         |           owner-nv-l-digest@lists|
|         |           .us.ibm.com            |
|         |                                  |
|         |                                  |
|         |           14.10.2003 19:55       |
|         |           Please respond to nv-l |
|         |                                  |
  |       To:       "'Qureshi, Fawad'" <Fawad.Qureshi AT ssa DOT gov>           
  |       cc:       "'nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com'" <nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT 
com>                                                |
  |       Subject:  RES: [nv-l] Inserting and deleting resources on Netview 
thru comm       a nd line                |


I´ve looked into /usr/OV/bin directory and found a script nvmaputil.sh with
this content:


#Grab the standard netview run time environment
. /usr/OV/bin/NVenvironment

RUN_CMD="${JAVA} ${JAVA_OPTIONS} -jar /usr/OV/jars/maputil.jar --logconfig
/usr/OV/conf/maputil-log4j.properties $@"


But there is no manual or help about this script.

Could you explain me more about it ?


Marcos Pezzutti

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Qureshi, Fawad [mailto:Fawad.Qureshi AT ssa DOT gov]
Enviada em: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 19:27
Para: 'nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com'; 'pezzutti AT banespa.com DOT br'
Assunto: RE: [nv-l] Inserting and deleting resources on Netview thru comma
nd line


If you are looking to add / delete devices to Netview via command line,
look into nvmaputil command. I believe it is part of Netview 7.1.2. I wrote
a perl script that uses this command on Netview 7.1.3, it works like a


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcos Antonio Pezzutti Filho [mailto:pezzutti AT banespa.com DOT br]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 5:56 PM
To: NV-L (nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com)
Subject: [nv-l] Inserting and deleting resources on Netview thru command

Dear friends,

The environment:
Tivoli Netview 7.1.2
O.S.: AIX 4.3.3 ML-10
Tivoli Framework 3.7.1

We´d like to know if it´s possible to insert and delete resources thru the
commands ?
We are planning to develop a script to automate this kind of action.
We know that threre a lot of things to consider, but the solution maintance
has been increased tremendously.

Thanks in advance,

Marcos Antonio Pezzutti Filho
Superintendência de Telecomunicações
Grupo Santander Banespa
Newtrend - Tendências Tecnológicas Serv  Inf.e Telecom Ltda.
 É Fone: 3837-1339     Ê Fax:  5538-5227

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