
Re: [nv-l] Question about forwarding node down event to TEC.

2002-05-13 13:38:04
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Question about forwarding node down event to TEC.
From: "Stephen Hochstetler" <shochste AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 12:38:04 -0500

I think you have two choices.   Either you can put the logic/process in
NetView or you can put it in TEC.   I will give you a potential NetView
answer.   You really have multiple collections of nodes to care about
1 - Cisco (networking)
2 - Servers (microsoft, SUN ...)
3 - non-SNMP

Setup work:
- add 3 customized trap definitons for Node Down for the 3 different node
collections, don't forget to add 3 new TEC classes in your trap
- add to the TEC Baroc the definitions for the 3 new TEC classes.

You already have collections for those three types in NetView.   From your
ruleset instead of forwarding traps of "Node Down".  call an action to
generate a new trap based on collection membership.  "Node Down" now
becomes  "NT Node Down" or "Cisco Node Down" .......      Now update your
ruleset to forward to TEC the 3 new traps you have defined.   Update your
TEC rules  to handle the new classes if you need to.

-- the above logic can be expanded to break up your traps into whatever
support groups you have

Kind regards,
Stephen Hochstetler              shochste AT us.ibm DOT com
International Technical Support Organization  - Austin
Office - 512-436-8564                      FAX - 512-436-8701

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