
Re: [nv-l] Netview 6.0 Installation Problem on Solaris 2.7

2002-04-03 03:31:56
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Netview 6.0 Installation Problem on Solaris 2.7
From: "Oliver Bruchhaeuser" <oliver.bruchhaeuser AT de.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 10:31:56 +0200

we have seen this problem if Solaris 2.7 patch 106950-16 and/or 106541-18
is installed.
If so, deinstall the patch(es) and try to install NetView again.

Kind regards

Oliver Bruchhaeuser
Tivoli NetView EMEA L2 Support

IBM Deutschland GmbH - ITS Tivoli - Dept. 7977 - Hechtsheimer Str. 2 -
55131 Mainz - Germany
Phone: +49-6131-84-5108 - Fax: +49-6131-84-6585 - email:
bruchhae AT de.ibm DOT com

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                      Kottos Kostas                                             
                      <K.Kottos AT asyk DOT as        To:       nv-l AT 
lists.tivoli DOT com                                                            
                      e.gr>                    cc:       Vergakis Costas 
<C.Vergakis AT asyk.ase DOT gr>, Kottos Kostas <K.Kottos AT asyk.ase DOT gr>    
                                               Subject:  [nv-l] Netview 6.0 
Installation Problem on Solaris 2.7                            
                      02.04.2002 13:50                                          
                      Please respond to                                         
                      Kottos Kostas                                             

Dear all,

On a fresh installation of NetView Server 6.0 (we want to install 6.0.3
actually) on a Solaris 2.7 Managed Node
 (Framework 3.6.2B), installation stops with errors in FILE43.PKT. More
specifically, ovwdb crashes on signal 11.
The output  of "update.log" is as  following:

-------------------------------------------------------------------- Start

Mon Apr 1 18:58:17 EET DST 2002
Initializing the Tracing and Logging...
=======  Mon Apr  1 18:58:19 EET DST 2002  BEGINNING NVCONFIGURE
       * Running customize script for fileset OVMIN-LICENSE.
       *   Making links....
       * Running customize script for fileset OVMIN.
       *   Making links....
       * Running customize script for fileset OVWIN.
NOTE:    Configuring ovwdb
NOTE:    Configuring nvsecd
NOTE:    Starting nvsecd
NOTE:    Starting ovwdb
mgragentd registered with snmpdx
       *   Making links....
       * Running customize script for fileset OVCI-RUN.
NOTE:    Registering pmd
NOTE:    Registering OVORS_M
NOTE:    Starting pmd
NOTE:    Starting OVORS_M
       *   Making links....
       * Running customize script for fileset OVSNMP-RUN.
NOTE:    Stopping trapd
NOTE:    Starting trapd
       *   Making links....
       * Running customize script for fileset OVIPMAP.
NOTE:    Starting ovtopmd
 object manager name: ovtopmd
 behavior:            OVs_WELL_BEHAVED
 state:               UNSTARTABLE
 PID:                 (never run)
 last message:
 exit status:         -

 object manager name: ovwdb
 behavior:            OVs_WELL_BEHAVED
 state:               NOT_RUNNING
 PID:                 3906
 last message:        Exited due to user request
 exit status:         exited on signal 11

ERROR:   Cannot start ovtopmd with ovstart.
ERROR:   Cannot start ovtopmd with ovstart.
+ dspmsg -s 5 nv6000.cat 9999 customize:    Failing customize with exit
%s\n 2
+ 1>> /tmp/update.log
customize:    Failing customize with exit code 2
ERROR:     Customize script for fileset OVIPMAP exited with code 2.
nvconfigbf:    Failing doing configuration with exit code 2
base:    Failure running script or command
base:    Failing base.config with exit code 2

------------------------------------------------------------- End

 At this point the installation stops. Ovwdb crashes, producing a core
>From what I saw
in the list, a similar thing was happening with pmd and the answer given by
James Shanks
was to check on ulimits (system resources) for the number of  file

An output of ulimit -a on my Solaris produces:

 time(seconds)        unlimited
 file(blocks)         unlimited
 data(kbytes)         unlimited
 stack(kbytes)        8192
 coredump(blocks)     unlimited
 nofiles(descriptors) 64
 vmemory(kbytes)      unlimited

 Could this be a similar problem? Could someone please give me any hints?

 Thank you,

  Kostas Kottos
Athens Stock Exchange
K.Kottos AT asyk.ase DOT gr

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