
Changing Domain name of Netview-box

2001-06-05 07:44:58
Subject: Changing Domain name of Netview-box
From: W.M.de.Bruin AT DNB DOT NL
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 13:44:58 +0200
Hi all,

NV6000 6.0.2  --   AIX 4.3.3
Due to internal changes the domain-name of my NV6000 box has to change.
Nothing bad, but it does impact Netview. It won´t start up the user
interface anymore, complaining that the default map lives on
Is a reset_ci sufficient to apply this change or do I need to do something

Wouter de Bruin
Network Management Consultant

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