
Performance of Java Client

2001-06-04 08:10:54
Subject: Performance of Java Client
From: danny AT uk.ibm DOT com
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 13:10:54 +0100

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have some pointers on how I can improve the performance of the
Java Client? I am running it standalone - i.e. not via a Web Browser.

NetView server is an RS/6000. Web Clients are various flavours of Windows.
NetView version 6.0.2.

I appreciate that adding RAM and faster CPUs to the clients and servers
will help but they don't appear to be CPU or memory bound. Network
interface utilisation on the server and clients appear to be OK.

What I am after are insights in to tuning that I can perform either to
NetView or the Operating systems to improve the performance.

Symptoms of slow performance include:

   Double-clicking on a location icon and then having to wait 10s of
   seconds for the submap to open
   Opening a location and the drop-down and "up-arrow" at the top of the
   submap explorer window remaining greyed out

Perhaps there is some debugging I can turn on which will highlight where
the bottlenecks are?

I can't see anything useful in /usr/OV/www/log/jetty.log or the batch file
window that appears on the client.

Any ideas anyone?


Danny Williams
Tivoli & AIX Specialist
IBM Global Services - Integrated Technology Services
mailto:danny AT uk.ibm DOT com

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