
nvdbimport question

2001-03-09 06:12:25
Subject: nvdbimport question
From: demeter AT hu.ibm DOT com
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 12:12:25 +0100


I'm trying to import a list of strings (installed PCI cards):
created the attribute definition, similar to 'TopM Interface List', in a
new file in /usr/OV/fields/C

Field "CardList" {
     Type StringType;
     Flags     list;

I can see it by using the ovobjprint -f command. How can I specify the list
in my import file?  I tried to search in the documentation and the nv-l
archive without success.  I tried with the following import files:
IP Hostname, CardList
demo.com,"card1" "card2"
IP Hostname, CardList
demo.com,'card1' 'card2'

I'm even unable to add a single string to this new field:
IP Hostname, CardList

Could someone let me know how can I do this?  I think it's possible because
the 'TopM Interface List' holds similar data what I'd like to import, but I
don't know if this type of import is possible with nvdbimport.  I would
appreciate any advice...

I'm using NV 6.0.1 with AIX 4.3.3.

Best regards,
Peter Demeter, Enterprise Systems Management
IBM Hungary, H-1117 Budapest, Neumann Janos street 1.
Tel: +36 1 382 5848  Fax: +36 1 382-5501

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