
Netview6.0 AIX - fileset missing bos.msg.En_US.rte

2001-03-08 10:48:13
Subject: Netview6.0 AIX - fileset missing bos.msg.En_US.rte
From: "Pretorius, Vynita" <VPretorius AT fnb.co DOT za>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 17:48:13 +0200
HI All

I am loading Netview 6.0 on AIX 4.3.3 and the installation keeps failing
saying lang not set to En_US. If I echo $LANG it says En_US.
I see that Vladimir's note 31 March 00 states that the fileset required is

My AIX support lads say it is not on the 4.3 CD's and I have gone to
www.ibm.com and the only .rte fileset there is bos.msg.en_US.rte which is
already loaded on my system.
Where do I get this fileset from ?.
and is this why my netview installation keeps failing with the following

# ./NVprereq.sh server
Checking for software prerequisites...

ERROR: The default LANG for NetView on AIX must be English [En_US]
Get your AIX Operating System CDROM and type: 

                smit mle_add_lang fast              

Pick English [En_US] as both the cultural convention and
the language translation. If En_US does not show up in the options
list for either of these, it is most likely already installed.


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