
netview error...

1999-09-20 18:20:38
Subject: netview error...
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:20:38 -0500
os = aix4.2.1
netview = 5.1.0

Thanks for you help earlier James, I've sent an e-mail
to the swdist address.

We're getting this error when trying to start netview:

(root@host) /: netview
        portmap is already running
Starting TME 10 NetView daemons :
WARNING: Daemon startup error.  See /usr/OV/tmp/netnmrc.ovstart

ERROR: The following REQUIRED daemons are not running:
  actionsvr nvcorrd nvserverd ovactiond ovtopmd trapd
As root user, start all the daemons by using one of the following methods:
         a) use the smit (TME 10 desktop) utility
         b) issue the command:  /usr/OV/bin/ovstart
         c) rerun this command

And this is what I found in netnmrc.ovstart:

object manager name: trapd
behavior:            OVs_WELL_BEHAVED
state:               FAILED
PID:                 10260
last message:        Did not find a SDESC keyword in line #7786 of "/usr/OV/con
 exit status:         -

The very end of the ../C/trapd.conf file ends with an S.  It looks like
it has been chopped off or something.  We did have a problem with a
filesystem full and I bet this has something to do with it.  We have
fixed that problem and IPL'd and this is where we stand.

Is there another way to get this file "regenerated"?  I noticed at the
top it said it was generated on Sep 13 by xnmtrap.



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