
Re: [Networker] Monitoring->status->groups green tick all the time

2011-05-19 14:34:20
Subject: Re: [Networker] Monitoring->status->groups green tick all the time
From: Larry Miller <lm3712 AT GMAIL DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 14:32:39 -0400
I'm not sure why your getting this, but we can try to diagnose the problem a
little. Find a group that you think should have different status that what
is showing. Open up the property sheet for that group with diagnostic mode
turned on. Check the following attributes. Status, if you think the group is
running then it should say running. Work list and completion, if the group
is not running and there are items in the work list then it didn't complete
everything, that's a failure. Check the contents of the completion list, do
you see any failed clients, that's also a failure. If you see any of the
above indicating failure and the group shows the green tick, then we have a
problem in NMC. If everything shows no failure in the group property sheet,
but you think there was one, then there is something up with NetWorkers
reporting of clients.

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