
[Networker] NetWorker Retention Policy Qs?

2008-11-26 18:25:35
Subject: [Networker] NetWorker Retention Policy Qs?
From: JGillTech <networker-forum AT BACKUPCENTRAL DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 18:22:11 -0500

Thanks again for the clarification.  However, I am not solid on the concept.  

I looked through the NetWorker documentation for an explanation of ssid vs. 
clone id.  I didn't find anything that could help me discern the difference.

I was under the impression the ssid was the unique identifier of the save set.  
Can a ssid be reused?  I was under the idea that each save set specified in a 
client resource is assigned a unique ssid when backing up.  Correct me if I am 
wrong.  If that is true, why is a clone id needed?  

Why would NetWorker pick a save set with the lowest clone id?  It makes sense 
to increment the clone id of the most recent rather than decrement.  To clarify 
my understanding, the most recent instance of a save-set has a clone-id 1 less 
of the previous.  

I currently make my volumes as full and record the location when taking a clone 
tape offsite.  Should I use the offsite flag rather than making the volume as 
full?  How do you apply the offsite flag?  I don't know of any place to do this 
within the GUI.   I wish this kind of stuff was documented.  I have all the 
recent documentation, I wasn't able to find any of this information.  

Do you have anything more to say about clone-ids to help me understand... 
specially the difference between clone-id and ssid.  

I really appreciate your time and efforts!

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