
Re: [Networker] Reincorporating old tape set into Networker media database

2008-02-06 14:44:31
Subject: Re: [Networker] Reincorporating old tape set into Networker media database
From: jee <jee AT ERESMAS DOT NET>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 19:42:07 +0000
nsrck -L7 will not recover indices  if the savesets don't exist in the media db 
nsrck -L7 can recover client file index records only when the savesets exist in 
the media db and have not expired (and marked as  (E)ligible for recycling).

However the media db could be mm-recovered if it had been saved with "saverp 
-O" as Stan suggested.


On Wednesday 06 February 2008 16:53, Stan Horwitz wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Law, Steve [UK] wrote:
> > Hi Stan,
> >
> > Thanks for your response. I do have scanner documented, it's just a  
> > drag
> > to use. I can use "scanner -i servername" but will have to 'manually'
> > load each tape in turn, and they take hours. But if that's the only
> > way...
> >
> > However when I try to mount one of these old tapes in a drive so I can
> > run Scanner, it refuses to load. Networker says "Will not be loaded
> > since pool "Unknown Pool" is not available. Presumably the pool no
> > longer exists. How might I find what it was so I can recreate it?
> Before you cleared away those old savesets, did you back them up via  
> "savegrp -O"? If so, then all you need to do is
> nsrck -L7 -t time client_name
> and replace "time" with the date when you did that backup and replace  
> "client_name" with the name of the client who's metadata you wish to  
> recover. This should be a lot easier than scanning back in the data.
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