
Re: [Networker] skipping files in a directory

2007-11-10 11:07:01
Subject: Re: [Networker] skipping files in a directory
From: Curtis Preston <cpreston AT GLASSHOUSE DOT COM>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 11:03:23 -0500
FWIW, I think that .nsr files are evil.   Admins tend to forget they're
there, or a replacement admin doesn't know where they are.  Then you get
unexpected backup results that you only notice when you do a restore.

In contrast, specifying directives on the server, it's all in one place.
(.nsr files can be anywhere)

I'm pretty sure I have a blog entry about this where I probably go into
further detail:

W. Curtis Preston
Backup Blog @
VP Data Protection, GlassHouse Technologies 

-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of A Darren Dunham
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Networker] skipping files in a directory

On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 02:16:51PM -0500, Francis Swasey wrote:
> On 11/9/07 1:50 PM, Dave Martini 1 wrote:
> >If I want to skip the contents of a directory and everything in and 
> >below that
> >directory from getting backed up on Unix do I create a .nsr file with

> >this syntax?
> >
> >+skip:*
> Is that one line all you had in the .nsr file?  It requires the 
> directory be specified (yes, the docs on this subject suck):
> << ./ >>
>       +skip: *

When the directive is in a .nsr file, the directory is not specified.
The directory is implied from the location.

When the directive is applied at the NSR server to a client, then the
directories for the effect are specified.

I've never tried specifying a directory in a .nsr file.  I don't know if
it is read or just ignored.

Darren Dunham                                           ddunham AT taos DOT com
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS  
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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