
Re: [Networker] mail notifications error: cannot save rejected email anywhere

2007-11-06 10:25:41
Subject: Re: [Networker] mail notifications error: cannot save rejected email anywhere
From: Yaron Zabary <yaron AT ARISTO.TAU.AC DOT IL>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 03:55:23 +0200
Our configuration (which goes back to SunOS 4 and Networker 4 days) has /usr/ucb/Mail -s 'subject' me@domain for the notification.

Janine Carlson wrote:
I'm somewhat new at networker and unix so any help would be appreciated.

I'm running Networker 7.4 on a Solaris 10 box.  I am able to send mail to my
external address using the command line "sendmail -v -Am me AT myplace DOT com" 
typing in the body of the text from the Solaris box.  I have a
file configured.

The default command "/usr/bin/mail -s 'subject' me AT myplace DOT com" in the
Networker Notifications doesn't send an email message and I get the
following in the messages file:  "savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere"

My postmaster alias appears to work (sendmail -bv postmaster) returns root.

I don't understand what I should enter in the command line for the
notifications.  Should I use sendmail, not mail? What is the difference
between the two programs?  what options should I specify?

Thanks for any direction on where to check next.

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-- Yaron.

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