
[Networker] can't fetch old volume error

2002-08-30 14:46:30
Subject: [Networker] can't fetch old volume error
From: Tim Mooney <mooney AT DOGBERT.CC.NDSU.NODAK DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 13:49:35 -0500
Our particulars:

Server: Tru64 UNIX 4.0f + patches
NetWorker: 6.1.1 Power Edition
Jukebox: STK 9710

Since upgrading to NetWorker 6.1.1 in May, we've had two different
situations where we've seen the message:

        nsrjb: Jukebox error:  Fri 13:18:07 can't fetch old volume

This message happens with all drives unloaded, in response to the command

        nsrjb -HEv

or even

        nsrjb -IEv

If I run

        nsrck -mv

I immediately get the error:

        nsrck: WISS error: too many files created

If I look in /nsr/mm I see:

        -rw-r--r--   1 root     system         0 May  3 18:09 .cmprssd
        -rw-r--r--   1 root     system        13 May 10 12:32 .nsr
        -rw-r--r--   1 root     system         0 Aug 27 10:43 cmprssd
        drwx------   2 root     system      8192 Aug 30 13:35 mmvolume6/
        drwx------   2 root     system      8192 Aug 27 10:44 mmvolume6_X0/
        -rw-r--r--   1 root     system         0 Aug 29 10:37 nsrim.prv

I wasn't expecting to see the mmvolume6_X0, and it contains a couple temp
files from early August:

        -rw-------   1 root     system         0 Aug 11 11:28 temp_2
        -rw-------   1 root     system      8192 Aug 12 12:42 temp_2.0

The mmvolume6 directory contains about 40 temp* database files, as well
as the expected client databases, ss databases, and vol databases.

When this has happened before I've had to recover the media database from
the previous bootstrap, and I suppose I'll end up doing that again, but

1) Is there any other way to recover from this particular error?  It looks
like "only" the media database is corrupt, but nsrck isn't helping.  The
last time this happened, I figured I had nothing to lose so I manually
removed all the temp* database files and tried nsrck -m again, but that
didn't get me anywhere either.

2) Is anyone else experiencing periodic media database corruption at

We used NetWorker 5.2 for almost four years and never once had media
database corruption, and now it's happened three times since moving to
6.1.1.  I'm hoping someone else has experienced this and Legato knows
about it and has a patch that I could request.

Comments and suggestions welcome!


Tim Mooney                              mooney AT DOT edu
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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