
Re: [Veritas-bu] T10000A-B tape drive question

2010-02-03 07:06:55
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] T10000A-B tape drive question
From: Dean <dean.deano AT gmail DOT com>
To: Yusuf Gedikoglu <Yusuf.Gedikoglu AT DOT tr>, veritas-bu AT mailman.eng.auburn DOT edu
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 23:05:54 +1100
We have a similar issue having both IBM 3592 J1A, and E05's. The only way I've been able to make the best of the situation is to define the drives as different types, and split the media pool into two media types. Far from ideal, but it works.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Yusuf Gedikoglu <Yusuf.Gedikoglu AT DOT tr> wrote:
Hi All

I have a question about STK T10000 tape drives. We hava a STK L700 tape
library and 5 T10K-A and 3 T10K-B tape drives. How we can seperate this
drives or medias to be sure that it is no reformatted by a drive. They
use same type media. Creasting a new volume pool and define it in the
policy will solve our problem? I can not change the drive types because
media type is same. How i can create two storage unit in the same
library with same robot type? I tried with via gui but is not

Do you have any idea about it?

T10000 Media that is used by both T10000A and T10000B Tape Drives
The T10000B tape drive uses the same media as the T10000A, but writes
data at double the T10000A's density. The T10000B can read T10000A media
and can reformat it for writing T10000B density data, but it cannot
append data to a previously written T10000A cartridge. The T10000A drive
can reformat a T10000B cartridge for writing T10000A density data, but
can neither read from nor append data to a T10000B cartridge


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