
[Veritas-bu] Using Windows SMTP to send email notifications

2007-02-12 16:03:07
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Using Windows SMTP to send email notifications
From: pkoster at (Koster, Phil)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:03:07 -0500
Yep.  You can also use NOM.  All depends on what you want.  We have tons
of custom scripts and batch files for different things.  We had a perl
"guru" in here for a while.  He put together the below morning status
check (for a Win2K NBU 5.1 environment although still works with 6 MP4;
slightly altered to protect the innocent):

#This is a comment
#  Author: Joseph Harnish
#  Date:
#  Description: Create reports of the backup solution to send the
#  ToDo
#    - Add sub report of 71s (data stored in @list_of_policy_changes)
#    - Store more information on number of hosts per policy to report
#    - HTML based email reports
#    - Remove duplicates of reported systems.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::SMTP;
use Time::localtime;
use Date::Calc qw(:all); 
#set this number to the line you want to see.
my $debug_line = 0;

my @emailaddress = ();
my $server_to_lookfor = '';
my $msglevel = '';
my $cellphone = '';
my $email_diff_only = '';
my $diff_file = "NB_job.dif";
my $diffclean = 0;
GetOptions ('server=s' =>\$server_to_lookfor, 'debug=i' => \$debug_line,
'help' => \&HelpMessage,
 'email=s' => \@emailaddress, 'level=i' => \$msglevel, 'cellphone' =>
 'diff' => \$email_diff_only, 'diffclean' => \$diffclean);
my $val = `d:\\progra~1\\veritas\\netbackup\\bin\\admincmd\\bpdbjobs
my @list_of_jobs = split(/\n/,$val);
open(OUTFILE, ">One_Job.txt") if($debug_line >0);
my $i = 0;
my $output = "";
my $out_of_window = "";
my $jobs_that_completed_successfully = 0;
my $successfull_backup_k = 0;
my $successfull_backup_files = 0;
my ($curr_year,$curr_mon,$mday, $curr_hour,$curr_min,$curr_sec) =
#my ($curr_sec,$curr_min,$curr_hour,$mday,$curr_mon,$curr_year, @trash)
= ();
my @list_of_policy_changes = ();
my %already_reported_errors = ();
my @start_filter_date = ();
if($curr_hour >= 17){
 #filter tonights jobs
 @start_filter_date =($curr_year, $curr_mon, $mday, 15,00,00);
 print "I am in tonights backup window\n" if($debug_line > 0);
} else {
 #filter yesterdays jobs
 ($curr_year, $curr_mon, $mday) =
 @start_filter_date =($curr_year, $curr_mon, $mday, 15,00,00);
 print "I am looking at last nights backup window\n" if($debug_line >
my $filter_time = Date_to_Time(@start_filter_date);
my $total_number_of_jobs;
foreach my $jobs (@list_of_jobs){
 my @job = split(/\,/, $jobs); 
 if($debug_line >0){
  next if($i < $debug_line);
  last if($i > $debug_line);
  my $j = 0;
  foreach my $joba (@job){
   print OUTFILE "$j => $joba\n" ;
 my $server_name = $job[6];
 next if ! ($server_name =~ m/$server_to_lookfor/);
 my $policy_type = $job[5];
 my $policy_name = $job[4];
 my $offset = $job[43];
 my $k_backuped = $job[43 + $offset + 1];
 my $number_of_files_backedup = $job[43 + $offset + 2];
 my $average_speed = $job[43 + $offset + 4];
 my $status = $job[3];
 my $job_id = $job[0];
 my $drive = $job[32];
 my $job_start_time = $job[8];
 #print "$filter_time > $job_start_time\n";
 next if($filter_time > $job_start_time);
 my $job_end_time = $job[10];
 if($status > 1){
  if($status == 196){
   $out_of_window .= "$server_name 's $drive drive\n";
  } elsif ($status == 190) {
   # No more images for duplication
   #don't count against us it means it has moved everything to tape
  } elsif ($status == 150) {
   # Administratively cancelled 
   #don't count against us usually testing or restarted automatically
  } elsif ($status == 71) {
   # No files found
   #don't count against us usually means the directory is gone
   push(@list_of_policy_changes, "Policy: $policy_name, Server:
$server_name, Drive: $drive needs to be looked at and possibly
  } else {
   # I need to track this and eliminate all duplicates caused by
   if(! defined($already_reported_errors{"$server_name - $drive"}) ||
($already_reported_errors{"$server_name - $drive"} == 0)){
    $output .= "$server_name - $drive - $status\n";
    $already_reported_errors{"$server_name - $drive"} = 1;
   } else {
 } else {
  $successfull_backup_k += $k_backuped;
  $successfull_backup_files += $number_of_files_backedup;
 #print "$job_id 's status is $status\n";
close OUTFILE if($debug_line >0);
#summary info
$val = `d:\\progra~1\\veritas\\netbackup\\bin\\admincmd\\bpdbjobs
my @summary_breakout = split(/\n/, $val);
my $ii = 0;
my $summary_output_sm = "";
my $summary_output_full = "";
foreach (@summary_breakout){
 next if($ii < 2);
 my @summary_line = split(/\s+/, $_);
 my $master_server = $summary_line[0];
 my $queued = $summary_line[1];
 my $requeued = $summary_line[2];
 my $active = $summary_line[3];
 $summary_output_sm .= "MS:$master_server - Q:$queued - RQ:$requeued -
 $summary_output_full .= "Master Server: $master_server\nQueued:
$queued\nRequeued: $requeued\nActive: $active\n";
my $email_output = '';
$email_output .= "**Nightly Backup Status Report**\n";
$email_output .= $output;
if($msglevel > 0){
 $email_output .= "\n ****Out Of Window****\n";
 $email_output .= $out_of_window;
if($msglevel > 1){
 $email_output .= "\n ****All Jobs****\n";
 $email_output .= "Total jobs: $total_number_of_jobs\n";
 my ($success_rate, $junk) = split(/\./,
(($jobs_that_completed_successfully/$total_number_of_jobs) * 100));
 $email_output .= "Success Rate: $success_rate \%\n";
if($msglevel > 2){
 $email_output .= "\n ****Successful Backups****\n";
 $email_output .= "$jobs_that_completed_successfully jobs completed
 $email_output .= "$successfull_backup_k k was backed up\n";
 $email_output .= "$successfull_backup_files files were backed up\n";
if($msglevel > 1){
 $email_output .= $summary_output_full;
} else {
 $email_output .= $summary_output_sm;
WriteDiffFile($diff_file, $email_output) if($diffclean);
 my $temp = DiffFile($diff_file, $email_output);
 WriteDiffFile($diff_file, $email_output);
 $email_output = $temp;
if($emailaddress[0] ne '' && $email_output ne ''){
 #email report
 #check for cellphone flag.  If so limit to 110 chars.
  my @message = split(/\n/, $email_output); 
  my $temp_message = '';
  my $running_total = 0;
  foreach (@message){
   my @tmp_arr = split(//, $_);
   if($running_total + $#tmp_arr > 110){
    foreach my $emailaddr (@emailaddress){
     send_email($emailaddr, $temp_message);
    $running_total = $#tmp_arr;
    $temp_message = "$_\n";
   } else {
    $running_total += $#tmp_arr;
    $temp_message .= "$_\n";
 } else {
  foreach my $emailaddr (@emailaddress){
   send_email($emailaddr, $email_output);
} else {
 print $email_output;
sub HelpMessage {
 print "Usage [--server=servername] [--help] \n[--debug=#]
 print "                   [--level=# (1 for Out Of Window, 3 for
Successful stats)]\n [--cellphone]";
 print "                   [--diff] [--diffclean]\n";
sub send_email {
    print "Sending email\n";
    my $email_to = shift;
    my $output_mail = shift;
    my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new("");
    $smtp->mail (backup_admins at;
    $smtp->to ($email_to);
    $smtp->datasend("To:  $email_to\n");
    $smtp->datasend("From:  backup_admins at\n");
    $smtp->datasend("Subject: Nightly Backup Status report\n");
sub WriteDiffFile{
 my $file_name = shift;
 my $data = shift;
 open(OUTFILE, ">$file_name");
 print OUTFILE $data;
 close OUTFILE;
sub DiffFile {
 my $file_name = shift;
 my $data = shift;
 open(INFILE, "<$file_name");
 my $file_data = "";
  $file_data .= $_;
 close INFILE;
 my @arr_old = split(/\n/, $file_data);
 my @arr_new = split(/\n/, $data);
 my $return_list = '';
 foreach (@arr_new){
  $return_list .= "$_\n" if(! IsInList($_, @arr_old));
 return $return_list;

sub IsInList {
 my $element = shift;
 my @arr = @_;
 foreach (@arr){
  return 1 if($_ eq $element);
 return 0;
Phil Koster
Network Administrator
City of Grand Rapids, MI
Direct: 456-3136
Helpdesk: 456-3999


From: Dave Brown [mailto:dbrown at] 
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:52 PM
To: Koster, Phil; NB List Mail
Subject: RE: [Veritas-bu] Using Windows SMTP to send email notifications

Yes,  but that only states that the nbmail.cmd in bin directory may need
to be configured.  When looking at that script,  it only refers to using
BLAT.  No info on SMTP


From: Koster, Phil [mailto:pkoster at] 
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 2:50 PM
To: Dave Brown; NB List Mail
Subject: RE: [Veritas-bu] Using Windows SMTP to send email notifications

Veritas/Syamtenc uses the technical term "e-mail" instead of SMTP.
Check your admin guide vol 1 pg 434.
Phil Koster
Network Administrator
City of Grand Rapids, MI
Direct: 456-3136
Helpdesk: 456-3999


From: veritas-bu-bounces at
[mailto:veritas-bu-bounces at] On Behalf Of Dave
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:38 PM
To: NB List Mail
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Using Windows SMTP to send email notifications

NetBackup 6.0 MP4 on Windows 2003
Anyone have documentation or point me to the docs on how to set this up
?  Everything I see talks about using BLAT or some other 3rd party app,
but why install 3rd party when SMTP is there ?
Dave Brown
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