
[Veritas-bu] bp.conf and exclude_list...

2005-05-26 23:22:38
Subject: [Veritas-bu] bp.conf and exclude_list...
From: David Rock <dave-bu AT graniteweb DOT com> (David Rock)
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 22:22:38 -0500
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* Jeff McCombs <jeffm AT nicusa DOT com> [2005-05-25 16:02]:
> hmm.. No bpgp  in NBU 5.1?

It's still there in 5.1 MP2

HOWEVER. Be very, VERY careful when using it. You can quickly render a
system useless if used incorrectly. You MUST have full pathnames for
both the source and destination.

For example:

bpgp to client /tmp/exclude_list /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list
will do what you want

bpgp to client /tmp/exclude_list /usr/openv/netbackup
will DESTROY /usr/openv/netbackup (or any target directory, for that

This is really only useful for the exclude lists. If you have ssh access
to the clients, you are _much_ better off using scp.=20

As for other settings (bp.conf, exclude_lists on Windows clients), use
bpsetconfig to set values. You can also use bpgetconfig to read current
information. The only catch is bpsetconfig OVERWRITES settings, it does
not add to them. So if you are adding a new media server, for example,
you must supply the complete list of server that you want.

David Rock
david AT graniteweb DOT com

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