
[Veritas-bu] How to use nbujobs on version 4.5

2004-10-19 20:03:58
Subject: [Veritas-bu] How to use nbujobs on version 4.5
From: rbinkl AT comcast DOT net (Robert Binkley)
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:03:58 -0400
How can I execute this script on version 4.5 and produce the output that is in 
the below code.
In our organization we do 2350 backups a day.
I need a way thp parse the logs and sort by server name.. ??
Please advise

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: nbujobs,v 1.18 2000/12/19 10:33:57 gustavo Exp $

# Copyright (C) 2000 Fundacao CPqD <gustavo AT DOT br>

=head1 NAME

nbujobs - print the NetBackup jobs from a period

=head1 SINOPSE

B<nbujobs> [B<-h> N | B<-d> N | B<-f> FILE | B<-s>]


Report about the NetBackup jobs of a period in a Job Monitor like manner.

The period is defined by one of the options:

=over 4

=item B<-h> N

Since N hours ago.

=item B<-d> N

Since N days ago.

=item B<-f> FILE

Since the mtime of FILE.

=item B<-s>

The last backup session period.


=head1 AUTHOR

Gustavo Leite de Mendonça Chaves <gustavo AT DOT br>


use strict;
use integer;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Local;


my $usage = "usage: nbujobs [ -h HOURS | -d DAYS | -f FILE | -s ] [--class 

#my %args;
#getopts("d:f:h:s", \%args) or die $usage;
use vars qw( $hours_opt $days_opt $file_opt $session_opt $class_opt ); 
GetOptions('days|d=i'    => \$days_opt,
           'hours|h=i'   => \$hours_opt,
           'file|f=s'    => \$file_opt,
           'session|s=i' => \$session_opt,
           'class=s'     => \$class_opt)
    or die $usage;

my $start = 0;
my $end   = time;               # time period
my $calc_throughput = 0;        # should we calculate throughput?

if (defined $days_opt) {
    # N days ago
    $start = $end - $days_opt*60*60*24;
} elsif (defined $file_opt) {
    # Since file's mtime
    die "file $file_opt don't exist\n" unless -e $file_opt;
    $start = (stat($file_opt))[9];
} elsif (defined $hours_opt) {
    # N hours ago
    $start = $end - $hours_opt*60*60;
} elsif (defined $session_opt) {
    # During last session
    $start = (stat('/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/SESSION_START_CALLED'))[9];
    $end   = (stat('/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/SESSION_CALLED'))[9];
    $end   = time if $end < $start;
    $calc_throughput = 1;

my $kbw = 0;                    # total kbytes backed up
my $fw  = 0;                    # total files backed up
my %jobs;                       # job hash

# In NBU3.2 the bpdbjobs utility has a bug that prevents us from
# specifying the format of its output.  After more than two months
# waiting for a support call to be solved I decided to fetch the
# information about the jobs directly from the database.

my $jobsdir = '/usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs';
#my $jobsdir = '/home/gustavo/work/nbu/jobs';

chdir $jobsdir or die "Can't chdir to $jobsdir: $!\n";
opendir(JOBS, $jobsdir) or die "Can't opendir $jobsdir: $!\n";
foreach (grep { $_ !~ /\D/ } readdir(JOBS)) {

chdir 'done' or die "Can't chdir to $jobsdir/done: $!\n";
opendir(JOBS, "$jobsdir/done") or die "Can't opendir $jobsdir/done: $!\n";
foreach (grep { $_ !~ /\D/ } readdir(JOBS)) {

my ($jid, $jtype, $jstatus, $jclass, $jschedule, $jclient,
    $jstarted, $jelapsed, $jtry, $jkbytes, $jfiles);

my @ids = sort { $jobs{$b}->{status} <=> $jobs{$a}->{status}
                 or $jobs{$a}->{birth} <=> $jobs{$b}->{birth} } keys %jobs;

$= = scalar(@ids) + 2;          # avoid multiple headers

foreach $jid (@ids) {
    my $job    = $jobs{$jid};
    $jtype     = $job->{type};
    $jstatus   = $job->{status};
    $jclass    = $job->{class};
    $jschedule = $job->{schedule};
    $jclient   = $job->{client};
    $jstarted  = formattime($job->{birth});
    $jelapsed  = formathour($job->{stamp} - $job->{birth});
    $jtry      = $job->{try};
    $jkbytes   = $job->{kbw};
    $jfiles    = $job->{fw};

print "\nTotal size:   $kbw KB\n";
print "Total files:  $fw\n";

if ($calc_throughput) {
    print "Total time:   ", formathour($end - $start), "\n";
    printf("Throughput:   %4.2f KB/s\n", $kbw / ($end - $start));

exit 0;

format STDOUT_TOP =
ID      Type       Status Class     Schedule Client     Started             
Elapsed  Try Kbytes    Files 
------- ---------- ------ --------- -------- ---------- ------------------- 
-------- --- --------- ------

format STDOUT =
@>>>>>> @<<<<<<<<< @>>    @<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
@<<<<<<< @   @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>
$jid, $jtype, $jstatus, $jclass, $jschedule, $jclient, $jstarted, $jelapsed, 
$jtry, $jkbytes, $jfiles

# Routines

sub job_info {
    my $file = shift;
    unless (open(JOB, $file)) {
        warn "Can't open job file $file: $!\n";
    my %job = ( type     => '-',
                status   => 0,
                class    => '-',
                schedule => '-',
                client   => '-',
                birth    => 0,
                try      => 0,
                stamp    => 0,
                state    => 0,
                kbw      => 0,
                fw       => 0,
    while (<JOB>) {
        my @cols = split;
        my $tag  = shift @cols;
        if ($tag eq 'JOB_TYPE') {
            $job{type} = ('Backup', 'Archive', 'Restore')[$cols[0]];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'STATUS') {
            $job{status} = $cols[0];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'CLASS') {
            $job{class} = $cols[1];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'SCHEDULE') {
            $job{schedule} = $cols[1];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'CLIENT') {
            $job{client} = $cols[0];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'BIRTH_TIME') {
            $job{birth} = 0 + $cols[0];
        } elsif ($tag eq '1BEGIN') {
            $job{stamp} = 0 + $cols[1];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'JOB_STATE') {
            $job{state} = $cols[0];

    return unless $job{birth} >= $start && $job{birth} <= $end;

    if (defined $class_opt) {
        return unless $class_opt eq $job{class};

    $jobs{$file} = \%job;

    open(JOB, sprintf("%s.%010d.t", $file, $job{birth})) or return;
    while (<JOB>) {
        my @cols = split;
        my $tag  = shift @cols;
        if ($tag eq 'KBW') {
            $job{kbw} += $cols[1];
            $kbw      += $cols[1];
        } elsif ($tag eq 'FW') {
            $job{fw} += $cols[1];
            $fw      += $cols[1];

sub formattime {
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)
        = localtime(shift);

    return sprintf('%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d',
                   $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday,
                   $hour, $min, $sec);

sub formathour {
    my $sec  = shift;
    my $min  = $sec / 60; $sec %= 60;
    my $hour = $min / 60; $min %= 60;

    return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $hour, $min, $sec);

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