
[Veritas-bu] exclude list sysntax

2004-06-29 09:28:31
Subject: [Veritas-bu] exclude list sysntax
From: ewilts AT ewilts DOT org (Ed Wilts)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 08:28:31 -0500
On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 08:43:07AM -0400, Stump, Robert (Contractor) (DRMS) 
> Interesting technote concerning 5.0_MP1. Especially since the NB 5.1 SAG
> does not address this issue. 
> I find it hard to believe that ALL exclusions must start with a / . Certain
> filename like core need to be in the exclude_list. There is no way of
> knowing where a core file may be. However, I do understand the point about
> relative paths and it does make sense for relative paths.  I don't have 5.0
> loaded yet so I can not test the info in the technote. Has anyone?

We found the bug/feature change and hounded Veritas into documenting it.
Yes, the restriction is really there.  We can see why Veritas might have
wanted to make a change but what really, really annoyed us was that they
refused to document the changes.  I'm glad to see they finally got the
tech note out so the rest of you don't get burnt like we did.

If you fail to follow the instructions, your exclude lists simply get
ignored - no warnings, no messages, just a lot of wasted tape.  In our
case, it was all our Oracle database files that were being processed
when they shouldn't have been.  We quickly ran out of scratch tapes in
our pool.  It wasn't a pretty sight.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
mailto:ewilts AT ewilts DOT org

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