
[Networker] Delay in savepnpc starting (after group start) --- ?

2010-10-28 12:14:03
Subject: [Networker] Delay in savepnpc starting (after group start) --- ?
From: Len Philpot <Len.Philpot AT CLECO DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 11:11:46 -0500
(Networker 7.5.1 on Solaris 9 server, Solaris 8 client)

Saw something last night that I'm currently at a loss to explain, and 
Googling has turned nothing up (yet). We use 'savepnpc' on a number of 
Solaris clients to shutdown and restart databases/apps around backups. 
Given its inherent capabilities and limitationsm, it works pretty well. 
However, last night there was apparently almost an hour gap between when 
the group itself kicked off and the savepnpc precommands ran.

For example, here's night before last; group started at 8 pm, savepnpc 6 
seconds later and then the whole thing concluded about 40 minutes later. 
Completely normal. (client-side savepnpc.log and server-side daemon.log 
entries interleaved)

    42506 10/26/10 20:00:00  nsrd savegroup info: starting 8pm_group (with 
5 client(s))
    10/26/10 08:00:06 PM preclntsave: Starting up the precmds.
    10/26/10 08:02:20 PM preclntsave: All command(s) ran successfully.
    <backups run>
    38758 10/26/10 20:39:15  nsrd savegroup notice: 8pm_group completed, 
Total 5 client(s), 5 Succeeded.
    10/26/10 08:39:22 PM pstclntsave: Savegroup is not running.
    10/26/10 08:39:22 PM pstclntsave: All savesets on the worklist are 
    10/26/10 08:39:22 PM pstclntsave: Starting up the pstcmds.
    10/26/10 08:40:37 PM pstclntsave: All command(s) ran successfully.

Last night savepnpc didn't initiate the precommand until 8:54 pm. 
Thereafter, all the timings were normal again.

    42506 10/27/10 20:00:31  nsrd savegroup info: starting 8pm_group (with 
5 client(s))
    10/27/10 08:54:28 PM preclntsave: Starting up the precmds.
    10/27/10 08:56:34 PM preclntsave: All command(s) ran successfully.
    <backups run>
    38758 10/27/10 21:33:23  nsrd savegroup notice: 8pm_group completed, 
Total 5 client(s), 5 Succeeded.
    10/27/10 09:33:36 PM pstclntsave: Savegroup is not running.
    10/27/10 09:33:36 PM pstclntsave: All savesets on the worklist are 
    10/27/10 09:33:36 PM pstclntsave: Starting up the pstcmds.
    10/27/10 09:34:58 PM pstclntsave: All command(s) ran successfully.

Looking back through /nsr/logs/savepnpc.log I see a couple of other nights 
where it was about 15 to 18 minutes late starting, but nothing this long. 
I can find nothing on the backup server nor this client to indicate any 
problems and there were multiple other savepnpc-enabled clients that ran 
(in other groups) perfectly normal last night. I realize Solaris 8 is not 
officially supported by 7.5.1, but we have no choice here. If this is a 
known "unsupported platform" occasional bug, then that's what it is. But 
it runs fine the vast majority of the time.

Any ideas, things to look for, etc.?


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