Hi Frank,
To ensure that the restore goes to the RSG and not over-write the
production SG all you have to do is Create an RSG on the exchange server and
add the SG that has to be recovered to this RSG. You will receive a message at
the start of the restore that your data is being restored to the RSG.
Rovin D'Souza
rovinabi AT gmail DOT com
-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of Terveen, Frank
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 2:54 PM
Subject: [Networker] Exchange Agent 5.1 Gui restore
I am going to run a traditional restore with my networker 7.6 server (win) and
exchange 5.1 agent exchange 2003 SP2 server
I want to be sure that the restore goes to the RSG and does not overwrite the
production Database
Any help would be most friendly
Any questions will be answered
met vriendelijke groeten, / With kind regards,
Frank Terveen
Senior Systeembeheerder / Senior Systems Manager
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