
Re: [Networker] (solved) Networker server with failed hard drive

2010-08-17 17:03:56
Subject: Re: [Networker] (solved) Networker server with failed hard drive
From: Roy Kidder <RoyKidder AT YAHOO DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 17:01:52 -0400
I'd like to thank everyone who's offered help in my little quest.

I was in fact able to recover the /nsr file structure from the old drive
after quite a bit of effort. I was also able to locate the ISOs for CentOS
2.1 as was suggested. I had to take a sidebar and compile a "newer" 2.4
kernel (2.6 didn't like gcc 2.96 that came with CentOS 2.1) to get eth0

After all that I installed the networker RPMs I replaced the /nsr
directory with the one I scraped off the failed drive and then restarted
the box. I tested it by doing a quick backup and recover and everything
worked just like it did before.

I did have to re-enter the auth codes for the different products, but
luckily we had them documented. I think the problem there was that when
the networker daemon started up, the new box still thought it was
localhost.localdomain instead of what it was supposed to be.

Thanks again to everyone who helped out with this. I really appreciate it.


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