
[Networker] Cloning storage node data

2009-02-18 09:55:17
Subject: [Networker] Cloning storage node data
From: Chester Martin <cmartin AT SPP DOT ORG>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 08:49:53 -0600


I have just set up new cloning jobs, but I'm running into issues with it
cloning data that is on storage nodes.  Because we have different
retention times for keeping our data (full backups are kept longer than
incrementals) it's easier for me to break up the backups by creating a
group for incremental, a group for fulls, etc...


I'm cloning by group name with the following:

/usr/sbin/nsrclone -v -b "Destination Clone Media Pool" -g  "Source
Group" -S -t "1 days ago"  &


After cloning finishes I run the command:

mminfo -t "yesterday" -q copies=1


What shows up is all the backups that are done on storage nodes and
dedicated storage nodes.  I've doublechecked to make sure that all of my
groups are accounted for in the cloning script.  Is there something
special that I have to put in the cloning script to make it clone from a
storage node?


Thanks in advance.

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