
Re: [Networker] adv_file read-only device dismounting itself

2008-03-27 21:52:11
Subject: Re: [Networker] adv_file read-only device dismounting itself
From: Mathew Harvest <Mathew.HARVEST AT SIS.QLD.GOV DOT AU>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:50:23 +1000
Hey Lee,


We have been seeing this problem for a while now (running 7.3.x on
windows) although it has in the past been happening a lot more often
than every few months ... at the moment its probably once a week ... for
a while it was several RO devices a day ...


we have a case logged with EMC at moment and are waiting on a debug
binary for NSRD for our version of NetWorker ... we-ve been providing
them with various debug logs, but the problem has been a little hard to
pin down ...


in the mean time I have a script that runs every half hour that
re-mounts any RO devices that have unmounted ... it's a dos batch file
... but it would be fairly trivial to convert it to a Unix script ...


its listed below, and it probably overly complex, but it provides
reporting on status before and after re-mount attempts ...


@echo off

set UNIX=c:\Tools\unix\usr\local\wbin

set EMC=n:\Legato\nsr\bin

set SCRIPT=D:\Scripts\NSR

set [email protected] 


del %temp%\AFDMonitor.out 2>&1 >nul

del %temp%\AFDMonitor2.out 2>&1 >nul


rem this line will remove the quotes from around the output ... this
isnt really necessary at the moment

rem %UNIX%\echo show name;volume name\nprint type:NSR Device;media type:
adv_file;read only: Yes | %EMC%\nsradmin -i - | %UNIX%\gawk
"{name=$2;getline;if ($3==\";\") {print name};getline}" | %UNIX%\sed
"s/\\\\/\\/g" | %UNIX%\sed  "s/;//g" | gawk -F\" -F\" "{print $2}"


%UNIX%\echo show name;volume name\nprint type:NSR Device;media type:
adv_file;read only: Yes | %EMC%\nsradmin -i - | %UNIX%\gawk
"{name=$2;getline;if ($3==\";\") {print name};getline}" | %UNIX%\sed
"s/\\\\/\\/g" | %UNIX%\sed  "s/;//g" >%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.out


if NOT "%1" == "NOMOUNT" (

      for /F "usebackq" %%i in (`type %temp%\AFDMonitor.out`) do nsrmm
-m -f %%i 2>&1 >>%temp%\AFDMonitor2.out




set lines=0

type %temp%\AFDMonitor.out | %UNIX%\wc -l >%temp%\AFDMonitor3.out

for /F "usebackq" %%i in (`type %temp%\AFDMonitor3.out`) do set

del %temp%\AFDMonitor3.out



if NOT "%1" == "NOMOUNT" (

      del %TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

      echo. >%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

      echo %date% - %time% >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

      echo. >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

      set heading=Unmounted Devices

) else (

      set heading=POST Check - Unmounted Devices



if /I %lines% GTR 0 (

      echo %heading% >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

      echo -----------------------------------

      type %TEMP%\AFDMonitor.out >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out


      if NOT "%1" == "NOMOUNT" (

            echo. >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

            echo Result of Mount Attempt >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

            echo -----------------------------------

            type %TEMP%\AFDMonitor2.out >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

            echo. >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out


            call %SCRIPT%\AFDMountMonitor.bat NOMOUNT 

            blat %TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out -to %MailTo% -s
"AFDMountMonitor" 2>&1 >nul


) else (

      echo %heading% >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out

      echo -----------------------------------

      echo No AFD's unmounted >>%TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out



if NOT "%1" == "NOMOUNT" (

      type %TEMP%\AFDMonitor.mail.out >>%SCRIPT%\AFDMountMonitor.log







-----Original Message-----
From: EMC NetWorker discussion [mailto:NETWORKER AT LISTSERV.TEMPLE DOT EDU] On
Behalf Of Lee Roth
Sent: Friday, 28 March 2008 11:34 AM
Subject: [Networker] adv_file read-only device dismounting itself


Networker for Unix (Solaris) V7.4


For the 2nd time in six months, I've had a very strange occurrence: My

"read-only" (RO) adv_file disk device decides to dismount itself in the

middle of the night, causing serious havoc (read: logjam next morning)

the remaining backups, cloning, staging, etc.


The smoking gun can be seen on the system console:


[ID 702911 daemon.notice] NetWorker media: (waiting) waiting for

disk DiskStorage.RO on BackupServ1


Here is what is seen in the Networker device display when it is failed:


Name                   Volume Name

/bigdisk               DiskStorage



Here is what is seen in the Networker device display after I manually

remount the RO disk device:


Name                   Volume Name

/bigdisk               DiskStorage

/bigdisk/_AF_readonly  DiskStorage.RO


Its status is properly set to ENABLED and READ ONLY in its properties.



Nobody is doing this manually, it is doing it all by itself. I've

the EMC support database and have yet to find any mention of this kind



Before I report it to EMC support, I was wondering if anyone on this

had any hints or suggestions as to what might be happening?




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