
[Networker] Library/Drive Names getting shuffled by Windows.

2008-03-11 14:54:53
Subject: [Networker] Library/Drive Names getting shuffled by Windows.
From: "Dias, Kent (Contractor)" <Robert.K.Dias.contractor AT PMUSA DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:07:18 -0400
I'm running Networker 7.3.2 on Windows Server 2003. We have three
indentical libraries connected. Each has two LTO-2 drives. Two of the
libraries are fiber connected through a SAN switch. The third is fiber
connected directly to the Networker server.
Whenever we reboot the server, the definition of which device is which
gets confused. LIB1 with Tape0 and Tape1 might become LIB2 with Tape2 &
Tape3. We have determined that these device names are determined by
Windows - Networker is dependant on how Windows names the devices.
We have set the HBAs to use persistent settings. The libraries don't
have an option for peristent settings, but we were able to configure
each one to identify itself with a unique name. None of this has made a
difference. We've had no luck finding a way within windows to "lock
down" the name assignments.
Has anyone else experienced this and/or had any luck resolving this?

Kent Dias
Windows System Administrator
Northrop Grumman IT - Richmond
robert.k.dias.contractor AT pmusa DOT com 

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