
Re: [Networker] Waiting for writable volumes when volumes availables, why?

2008-03-05 12:17:44
Subject: Re: [Networker] Waiting for writable volumes when volumes availables, why?
From: Manel Rodero <manel AT FIB.UPC DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 18:12:58 +0100

The report above shows that you have set the tapes to manual recycle. The "M" in the state column means manual recycle, and the X means manual recycle and also recyclable. You must change these to notmanual before they can be automatically recycled.

Manual mode is something that you or someone at your site did - not something that happens as part of the media lifecycle. If you don't do this in future then this problem won't happen again.

Yes, as we want to have inside the changers 20 tapes for the current week (and we want Legato writes on them) and 20 tapes for the past week (only for recovery purposes, we don't want Legato writes on them), we need to set recycle 'M'anual on the last 20 tapes.

We have the following backup logic:

Week 1: Tapes 1-20 for writing; Tapes 101-120 for reading
Week 2: Tapes 21-40 for writing; Tapes 1-20 for reading
Week 3: Tapes 41-60 for writing; Tapes 21-40 for reading
Week 4: Tapes 61-80 for writing; Tapes 41-60 for reading
Week 5: Tapes 81-100 for writing; Tapes 61-80 for reading
Week 6: Tapes 101-120 for writing; Tapes 81-100 for reading

So, if today is the change day for week 3, we need to change tapes 21-40 status like these:

a) tapes used in week 2, mark as 'read only' (in week 3 they won't be used because the retention policy is 28 days, so in week 3 they won't be expired) b) tapes not used during week 2, mark as 'manually recycle' (so we can sure that Legato won't use them during week 3)

Next, we put in the changer tapes 41-60 and mark all of them as recyclable (and if the tape was set to 'M'anually recycle we set it as 'A'uto recycle).

Tapes 1-20 were put off the changer.

This logic has been used for a long time ago so the operators knows which group of tapes will be used every week.

This logic has worked in version 7.4.1 for a couple of months, but suddenly two or three days ago, Legato doesn't use the tapes marked as 'a'uto recycle and 'recyclable' as expected.

Any idea about the problem? Any comments about this backup logic?

Thank you.


o o o  Manel Rodero                   | LCFIB - UPC
o o o  Systems Manager                | Campus Nord - Modul B6
o o o  Laboratori de Calcul           | Jordi Girona, 1-3
U P C  Facultat Informatica Barcelona | 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
       manel AT fib.upc DOT edu              | Tel: +00 34 93 401 0847  | Fax: +00 34 93 401 7040

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