
Re: [Networker] Check for a group completion in a script?

2006-07-13 02:02:50
Subject: Re: [Networker] Check for a group completion in a script?
From: Stuart Whitby <swhitby AT DATAPROTECTORS.CO DOT UK>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:01:57 +0100
The group should be either running or idle.  I don't *think* there are any 
other states, though I've maybe just to see them.  The "last end" should also 
help with this - it'll be blank until finished rather than showing the time of 
the previous run.
You could also set up a notification script for this, configured with "Event: 
Savegroup; priority: Notice" to run a script which would ssh to a client and 
run a command, for example.  However, if this is just a one-off then you're 
probably simpler running from the client rather than trying to create a script 
to do this - identifying the group, successful/failed clients etc. and doing an 
action dependent on that isn't the simplest piece of scripting.


From: Legato NetWorker discussion on behalf of Manel Rodero
Sent: Thu 13-Jul-06 10:32
Subject: [Networker] Check for a group completion in a script?


I need to do some operations tonight just after a group completion. I can't
use any notification nor email sent from the server because I need to check
for this group completion from a client.

I'll try to use 'nsradmin' and the attributes of the group. Now I have
something like this:

option hidden
show name;status;last start;last end
print type:NSR Group;name:LCFIB-Normal

and I execute the following command:

client$ nsradmin -i myquery
Hidden display option turned on

Display options:
        Dynamic: Off;
        Hidden: On;
        Resource ID: Off;
                        name: LCFIB-Normal;
                  last start: "Thu Jul 13 00:30:02 2006";
                    last end: "Thu Jul 13 03:43:19 2006";
                      status: idle;

Then I can grep, for example, last end and see if this time is before the
actual time or something like this. Must I continue in this line? I say this
because the status attribute doesn't seem to indicate that the group has
finished, isn'it?

Any other idea would be very appreciated.

Thank you very much.


o o o  Manel Rodero                   | LCFIB - UPC
o o o  Systems Manager                | Campus Nord - Modul B6
o o o  Laboratori de Calcul           | Jordi Girona, 1-3
U P C  Facultat Informatica Barcelona | 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
       manel AT fib.upc DOT edu              | Tel: +00 34 93 401 6940  | Fax: +00 34 93 401 7040

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